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# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper_acceptance' describe 'Should create a scheduled task' do username, password = add_test_user username2, password2 = add_test_user let(:username) { username } let(:username2) { username2 } let(:password) { password } let(:password2) { password2 } let!(:taskname) { "pl#{rand(999_999).to_i}" } let(:description) { 'foobar' } after(:all) do remove_test_user(username) remove_test_user(username2) end after(:each) do run_shell("schtasks.exe /delete /tn #{taskname} /f", accept_all_exit_codes: true) do |r| # Empty means deletion was ok. The 'The system cannot find the file specified' error occurs # if the task does not exist unless r.stderr.empty? || r.stderr =~ %r{ERROR: The system cannot find the .+ specified} raise r.stderr end end end it 'creates a task that runs on the last day of the month: taskscheduler_api2', tier_high: true do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, compatibility => 2, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', trigger => { schedule => 'monthly', start_time => '12:00', on => [1, 3, 'last'], }, provider => 'taskscheduler_api2' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| # Even though the bit mask value for '32' doesn't actuall work to set # `last` day of the month as a trigger, schtasks.exe still returns day 32 # if `last` is set as a trigger day. My guess is that this is for backward # compatability with something in schtasks.exe expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{Days:.+01, 03, 32}) end end it 'creates a task if it does not exist: taskscheduler_api2', tier_high: true do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, compatibility => 1, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, provider => 'taskscheduler_api2' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Ensure it's idempotent apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) end it 'creates a task if it does not exist: win32_taskscheduler', tier_high: true do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, compatibility => 1, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, provider => 'win32_taskscheduler' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Ensure it's idempotent apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) end it 'creates a task with a username and password: taskscheduler_api2' do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username}', password => '#{password}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username}}) end end it 'creates a task with a username and password: win32_taskscheduler' do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username}', password => '#{password}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, provider => 'win32_taskscheduler' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username}}) end end it 'creates a task with a description: taskscheduler_api2' do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', description => '#{description}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{description}}) end end it 'creates a task with a description: win32_taskscheduler' do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', description => '#{description}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, provider => 'win32_taskscheduler' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{description}}) end end it 'creates a task with a username: taskscheduler_api2' do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username}}) end end it 'creates a task with a username: win32_taskscheduler' do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, provider => 'win32_taskscheduler' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username}}) end end it "updates a task's credentials: win32_taskscheduler" do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username}', password => '#{password}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, provider => 'win32_taskscheduler' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username}}) end pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, compatibility => 1, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username2}', password => '#{password2}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, provider => 'win32_taskscheduler' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username2}}) end end it "updates a task's credentials: taskscheduler_api2" do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username}', password => '#{password}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username}}) end pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username2}', password => '#{password2}', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', }, } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{#{username2}}) end end it "correctly determines idempotency for tasks with LastWeekOfMonth='last'" do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', user => '#{username}', password => '#{password}', trigger => { 'start_date' => '2019-9-01', 'start_time' => '05:40', 'minutes_interval' => '0', 'minutes_duration' => '0', 'schedule' => 'monthly', 'months' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], 'which_occurrence' => 'last', 'day_of_week' => ['tues'] }, } MANIFEST idempotent_apply(pp) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match(%r{Last\sTUE}) end end it 'creates a task with synchronisation disabled: taskscheduler_api2', tier_high: true do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, compatibility => 1, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', disable_time_zone_synchronization => true, }, provider => 'taskscheduler_api2' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Ensure it's idempotent apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) end it 'creates a task with synchronisation disabled: win32_taskscheduler', tier_high: true do pp = <<-MANIFEST scheduled_task {'#{taskname}': ensure => present, compatibility => 1, command => 'c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\notepad.exe', arguments => "foo bar baz", working_dir => 'c:\\\\windows', trigger => { schedule => daily, start_time => '12:00', disable_time_zone_synchronization => true, }, provider => 'win32_taskscheduler' } MANIFEST apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) # Ensure it's idempotent apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) # Verify the task exists query_cmd = "schtasks.exe /query /v /fo list /tn #{taskname}" run_shell(query_cmd) end end