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metadata :name => "shell", :description => "Run commands with the local shell", :author => "Puppet Labs", :license => "Apache-2.0", :version => "1.0.4", :url => "https://github.com/choria-plugins/shell-agent", :timeout => 180 action "run", :description => "Run a command" do display :always input :command, :prompt => "Command", :description => "Command to run", :type => :string, :validation => '.*', :maxlength => 10 * 1024, :optional => false input :user, :prompt => "User", :description => "User to run command as", :type => :string, :validation => '.*', :maxlength => 1024, :optional => true input :timeout, :prompt => "Timeout", :description => "Timeout to wait for the command to complete", :type => :float, :optional => true # TODO(richardc): validate positive. May need another validator class output :stdout, :description => "stdout from the command", :display_as => "stdout" output :stderr, :description => "stderr from the command", :display_as => "stderr" output :success, :description => "did the process exit successfully", :display_as => "success" output :exitcode, :description => "exit code of the command", :display_as => "exitcode" end action "start", :description => "Spawn a command" do display :always input :command, :prompt => "Command", :description => "Command to run", :type => :string, :validation => '.*', :maxlength => 10 * 1024, :optional => false input :user, :prompt => "User", :description => "User to run command as", :type => :string, :validation => '.*', :maxlength => 1024, :optional => true output :handle, :description => "identifier to a running command", :display_as => "handle" end action "status", :description => "Get status of managed command" do display :always input :handle, :prompt => "Handle", :description => "Handle of the command", :type => :string, :validation => '^[0-9a-z\-]*$', :maxlength => 36, :optional => false input :stdout_offset, :prompt => "stdout_offset", :description => "stdout_offset", :type => :integer, :optional => true input :stderr_offset, :prompt => "stderr_offset", :description => "stderr_offset", :type => :integer, :optional => true # Running, Exited output :status, :description => "status of the command", :display_as => "status" # Stdout to this point - resets internal state output :stdout, :description => "stdout of the command", :display_as => "stdout" # Stderr to this point - resets internal state output :stderr, :description => "stderr of the command", :display_as => "stderr" # Only meaningful if status == Exited output :exitcode, :description => "exitcode of the command", :display_as => "exitcode" end action "list", :description => "Get a list of all running commands" do display :always output :jobs, :description => "state of managed jobs", :display_as => "jobs" end action "kill", :description => "Kill a command by handle" do display :always input :handle, :prompt => "Handle", :description => "Handle of the command", :type => :string, :validation => '^[0-9a-z\-]*$', :maxlength => 36, :optional => false end