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# Readline <!--introduced_in=v0.10.0--> > Stability: 2 - Stable The `readline` module provides an interface for reading data from a [Readable][] stream (such as [`process.stdin`]) one line at a time. It can be accessed using: ```js const readline = require('readline'); ``` The following simple example illustrates the basic use of the `readline` module. ```js const readline = require('readline'); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); rl.question('What do you think of Node.js? ', (answer) => { // TODO: Log the answer in a database console.log(`Thank you for your valuable feedback: ${answer}`); rl.close(); }); ``` Once this code is invoked, the Node.js application will not terminate until the `readline.Interface` is closed because the interface waits for data to be received on the `input` stream. ## Class: Interface <!-- YAML added: v0.1.104 --> Instances of the `readline.Interface` class are constructed using the `readline.createInterface()` method. Every instance is associated with a single `input` [Readable][] stream and a single `output` [Writable][] stream. The `output` stream is used to print prompts for user input that arrives on, and is read from, the `input` stream. ### Event: 'close' <!-- YAML added: v0.1.98 --> The `'close'` event is emitted when one of the following occur: * The `rl.close()` method is called and the `readline.Interface` instance has relinquished control over the `input` and `output` streams; * The `input` stream receives its `'end'` event; * The `input` stream receives `<ctrl>-D` to signal end-of-transmission (EOT); * The `input` stream receives `<ctrl>-C` to signal `SIGINT` and there is no `'SIGINT'` event listener registered on the `readline.Interface` instance. The listener function is called without passing any arguments. The `readline.Interface` instance is finished once the `'close'` event is emitted. ### Event: 'line' <!-- YAML added: v0.1.98 --> The `'line'` event is emitted whenever the `input` stream receives an end-of-line input (`\n`, `\r`, or `\r\n`). This usually occurs when the user presses the `<Enter>`, or `<Return>` keys. The listener function is called with a string containing the single line of received input. ```js rl.on('line', (input) => { console.log(`Received: ${input}`); }); ``` ### Event: 'pause' <!-- YAML added: v0.7.5 --> The `'pause'` event is emitted when one of the following occur: * The `input` stream is paused. * The `input` stream is not paused and receives the `'SIGCONT'` event. (See events [`'SIGTSTP'`][] and [`'SIGCONT'`][].) The listener function is called without passing any arguments. ```js rl.on('pause', () => { console.log('Readline paused.'); }); ``` ### Event: 'resume' <!-- YAML added: v0.7.5 --> The `'resume'` event is emitted whenever the `input` stream is resumed. The listener function is called without passing any arguments. ```js rl.on('resume', () => { console.log('Readline resumed.'); }); ``` ### Event: 'SIGCONT' <!-- YAML added: v0.7.5 --> The `'SIGCONT'` event is emitted when a Node.js process previously moved into the background using `<ctrl>-Z` (i.e. `SIGTSTP`) is then brought back to the foreground using fg(1p). If the `input` stream was paused *before* the `SIGTSTP` request, this event will not be emitted. The listener function is invoked without passing any arguments. ```js rl.on('SIGCONT', () => { // `prompt` will automatically resume the stream rl.prompt(); }); ``` The `'SIGCONT'` event is _not_ supported on Windows. ### Event: 'SIGINT' <!-- YAML added: v0.3.0 --> The `'SIGINT'` event is emitted whenever the `input` stream receives a `<ctrl>-C` input, known typically as `SIGINT`. If there are no `'SIGINT'` event listeners registered when the `input` stream receives a `SIGINT`, the `'pause'` event will be emitted. The listener function is invoked without passing any arguments. ```js rl.on('SIGINT', () => { rl.question('Are you sure you want to exit? ', (answer) => { if (answer.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) rl.pause(); }); }); ``` ### Event: 'SIGTSTP' <!-- YAML added: v0.7.5 --> The `'SIGTSTP'` event is emitted when the `input` stream receives a `<ctrl>-Z` input, typically known as `SIGTSTP`. If there are no `'SIGTSTP'` event listeners registered when the `input` stream receives a `SIGTSTP`, the Node.js process will be sent to the background. When the program is resumed using fg(1p), the `'pause'` and `'SIGCONT'` events will be emitted. These can be used to resume the `input` stream. The `'pause'` and `'SIGCONT'` events will not be emitted if the `input` was paused before the process was sent to the background. The listener function is invoked without passing any arguments. ```js rl.on('SIGTSTP', () => { // This will override SIGTSTP and prevent the program from going to the // background. console.log('Caught SIGTSTP.'); }); ``` The `'SIGTSTP'` event is _not_ supported on Windows. ### rl.close() <!-- YAML added: v0.1.98 --> The `rl.close()` method closes the `readline.Interface` instance and relinquishes control over the `input` and `output` streams. When called, the `'close'` event will be emitted. Calling `rl.close()` does not immediately stop other events (including `'line'`) from being emitted by the `readline.Interface` instance. ### rl.pause() <!-- YAML added: v0.3.4 --> The `rl.pause()` method pauses the `input` stream, allowing it to be resumed later if necessary. Calling `rl.pause()` does not immediately pause other events (including `'line'`) from being emitted by the `readline.Interface` instance. ### rl.prompt([preserveCursor]) <!-- YAML added: v0.1.98 --> * `preserveCursor` {boolean} If `true`, prevents the cursor placement from being reset to `0`. The `rl.prompt()` method writes the `readline.Interface` instances configured `prompt` to a new line in `output` in order to provide a user with a new location at which to provide input. When called, `rl.prompt()` will resume the `input` stream if it has been paused. If the `readline.Interface` was created with `output` set to `null` or `undefined` the prompt is not written. ### rl.question(query, callback) <!-- YAML added: v0.3.3 --> * `query` {string} A statement or query to write to `output`, prepended to the prompt. * `callback` {Function} A callback function that is invoked with the user's input in response to the `query`. The `rl.question()` method displays the `query` by writing it to the `output`, waits for user input to be provided on `input`, then invokes the `callback` function passing the provided input as the first argument. When called, `rl.question()` will resume the `input` stream if it has been paused. If the `readline.Interface` was created with `output` set to `null` or `undefined` the `query` is not written. Example usage: ```js rl.question('What is your favorite food? ', (answer) => { console.log(`Oh, so your favorite food is ${answer}`); }); ``` The `callback` function passed to `rl.question()` does not follow the typical pattern of accepting an `Error` object or `null` as the first argument. The `callback` is called with the provided answer as the only argument. ### rl.resume() <!-- YAML added: v0.3.4 --> The `rl.resume()` method resumes the `input` stream if it has been paused. ### rl.setPrompt(prompt) <!-- YAML added: v0.1.98 --> * `prompt` {string} The `rl.setPrompt()` method sets the prompt that will be written to `output` whenever `rl.prompt()` is called. ### rl.write(data[, key]) <!-- YAML added: v0.1.98 --> * `data` {string} * `key` {Object} * `ctrl` {boolean} `true` to indicate the `<ctrl>` key. * `meta` {boolean} `true` to indicate the `<Meta>` key. * `shift` {boolean} `true` to indicate the `<Shift>` key. * `name` {string} The name of the a key. The `rl.write()` method will write either `data` or a key sequence identified by `key` to the `output`. The `key` argument is supported only if `output` is a [TTY][] text terminal. If `key` is specified, `data` is ignored. When called, `rl.write()` will resume the `input` stream if it has been paused. If the `readline.Interface` was created with `output` set to `null` or `undefined` the `data` and `key` are not written. ```js rl.write('Delete this!'); // Simulate Ctrl+u to delete the line written previously rl.write(null, { ctrl: true, name: 'u' }); ``` The `rl.write()` method will write the data to the `readline` `Interface`'s `input` *as if it were provided by the user*. ### rl\[Symbol.asyncIterator\]() <!-- YAML added: v11.4.0 changes: - version: v10.17.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26989 description: Symbol.asyncIterator support is no longer experimental. --> > Stability: 2 - Stable * Returns: {AsyncIterator} Create an `AsyncIterator` object that iterates through each line in the input stream as a string. This method allows asynchronous iteration of `readline.Interface` objects through `for`-`await`-`of` loops. Errors in the input stream are not forwarded. If the loop is terminated with `break`, `throw`, or `return`, [`rl.close()`][] will be called. In other words, iterating over a `readline.Interface` will always consume the input stream fully. A caveat with using this experimental API is that the performance is currently not on par with the traditional `'line'` event API, and thus it is not recommended for performance-sensitive applications. We expect this situation to improve in the future. ```js async function processLineByLine() { const rl = readline.createInterface({ // ... }); for await (const line of rl) { // Each line in the readline input will be successively available here as // `line`. } } ``` ## readline.clearLine(stream, dir) <!-- YAML added: v0.7.7 --> * `stream` {stream.Writable} * `dir` {number} * `-1` - to the left from cursor * `1` - to the right from cursor * `0` - the entire line The `readline.clearLine()` method clears current line of given [TTY][] stream in a specified direction identified by `dir`. ## readline.clearScreenDown(stream) <!-- YAML added: v0.7.7 --> * `stream` {stream.Writable} The `readline.clearScreenDown()` method clears the given [TTY][] stream from the current position of the cursor down. ## readline.createInterface(options) <!-- YAML added: v0.1.98 changes: - version: v8.3.0, 6.11.4 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13497 description: Remove max limit of `crlfDelay` option. - version: v6.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/8109 description: The `crlfDelay` option is supported now. - version: v6.3.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/7125 description: The `prompt` option is supported now. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6352 description: The `historySize` option can be `0` now. --> * `options` {Object} * `input` {stream.Readable} The [Readable][] stream to listen to. This option is *required*. * `output` {stream.Writable} The [Writable][] stream to write readline data to. * `completer` {Function} An optional function used for Tab autocompletion. * `terminal` {boolean} `true` if the `input` and `output` streams should be treated like a TTY, and have ANSI/VT100 escape codes written to it. **Default:** checking `isTTY` on the `output` stream upon instantiation. * `historySize` {number} Maximum number of history lines retained. To disable the history set this value to `0`. This option makes sense only if `terminal` is set to `true` by the user or by an internal `output` check, otherwise the history caching mechanism is not initialized at all. **Default:** `30`. * `prompt` {string} The prompt string to use. **Default:** `'> '`. * `crlfDelay` {number} If the delay between `\r` and `\n` exceeds `crlfDelay` milliseconds, both `\r` and `\n` will be treated as separate end-of-line input. `crlfDelay` will be coerced to a number no less than `100`. It can be set to `Infinity`, in which case `\r` followed by `\n` will always be considered a single newline (which may be reasonable for [reading files][] with `\r\n` line delimiter). **Default:** `100`. * `removeHistoryDuplicates` {boolean} If `true`, when a new input line added to the history list duplicates an older one, this removes the older line from the list. **Default:** `false`. * `escapeCodeTimeout` {number} The duration `readline` will wait for a character (when reading an ambiguous key sequence in milliseconds one that can both form a complete key sequence using the input read so far and can take additional input to complete a longer key sequence). **Default:** `500`. The `readline.createInterface()` method creates a new `readline.Interface` instance. ```js const readline = require('readline'); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); ``` Once the `readline.Interface` instance is created, the most common case is to listen for the `'line'` event: ```js rl.on('line', (line) => { console.log(`Received: ${line}`); }); ``` If `terminal` is `true` for this instance then the `output` stream will get the best compatibility if it defines an `output.columns` property and emits a `'resize'` event on the `output` if or when the columns ever change ([`process.stdout`][] does this automatically when it is a TTY). ### Use of the `completer` Function The `completer` function takes the current line entered by the user as an argument, and returns an `Array` with 2 entries: * An `Array` with matching entries for the completion. * The substring that was used for the matching. For instance: `[[substr1, substr2, ...], originalsubstring]`. ```js function completer(line) { const completions = '.help .error .exit .quit .q'.split(' '); const hits = completions.filter((c) => c.startsWith(line)); // show all completions if none found return [hits.length ? hits : completions, line]; } ``` The `completer` function can be called asynchronously if it accepts two arguments: ```js function completer(linePartial, callback) { callback(null, [['123'], linePartial]); } ``` ## readline.cursorTo(stream, x, y) <!-- YAML added: v0.7.7 --> * `stream` {stream.Writable} * `x` {number} * `y` {number} The `readline.cursorTo()` method moves cursor to the specified position in a given [TTY][] `stream`. ## readline.emitKeypressEvents(stream[, interface]) <!-- YAML added: v0.7.7 --> * `stream` {stream.Readable} * `interface` {readline.Interface} The `readline.emitKeypressEvents()` method causes the given [Readable][] stream to begin emitting `'keypress'` events corresponding to received input. Optionally, `interface` specifies a `readline.Interface` instance for which autocompletion is disabled when copy-pasted input is detected. If the `stream` is a [TTY][], then it must be in raw mode. This is automatically called by any readline instance on its `input` if the `input` is a terminal. Closing the `readline` instance does not stop the `input` from emitting `'keypress'` events. ```js readline.emitKeypressEvents(process.stdin); if (process.stdin.isTTY) process.stdin.setRawMode(true); ``` ## readline.moveCursor(stream, dx, dy) <!-- YAML added: v0.7.7 --> * `stream` {stream.Writable} * `dx` {number} * `dy` {number} The `readline.moveCursor()` method moves the cursor *relative* to its current position in a given [TTY][] `stream`. ## Example: Tiny CLI The following example illustrates the use of `readline.Interface` class to implement a small command-line interface: ```js const readline = require('readline'); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, prompt: 'OHAI> ' }); rl.prompt(); rl.on('line', (line) => { switch (line.trim()) { case 'hello': console.log('world!'); break; default: console.log(`Say what? I might have heard '${line.trim()}'`); break; } rl.prompt(); }).on('close', () => { console.log('Have a great day!'); process.exit(0); }); ``` ## Example: Read File Stream Line-by-Line A common use case for `readline` is to consume an input file one line at a time. The easiest way to do so is leveraging the [`fs.ReadStream`][] API as well as a `for`-`await`-`of` loop: ```js const fs = require('fs'); const readline = require('readline'); async function processLineByLine() { const fileStream = fs.createReadStream('input.txt'); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: fileStream, crlfDelay: Infinity }); // Note: we use the crlfDelay option to recognize all instances of CR LF // ('\r\n') in input.txt as a single line break. for await (const line of rl) { // Each line in input.txt will be successively available here as `line`. console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`); } } processLineByLine(); ``` Alternatively, one could use the [`'line'`][] event: ```js const fs = require('fs'); const readline = require('readline'); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: fs.createReadStream('sample.txt'), crlfDelay: Infinity }); rl.on('line', (line) => { console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`); }); ``` Currently, `for`-`await`-`of` loop can be a bit slower. If `async` / `await` flow and speed are both essential, a mixed approach can be applied: ```js const { once } = require('events'); const { createReadStream } = require('fs'); const { createInterface } = require('readline'); (async function processLineByLine() { try { const rl = createInterface({ input: createReadStream('big-file.txt'), crlfDelay: Infinity }); rl.on('line', (line) => { // Process the line. }); await once(rl, 'close'); console.log('File processed.'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } })(); ``` [`'SIGCONT'`]: readline.html#readline_event_sigcont [`'SIGTSTP'`]: readline.html#readline_event_sigtstp [`'line'`]: #readline_event_line [`fs.ReadStream`]: fs.html#fs_class_fs_readstream [`process.stdin`]: process.html#process_process_stdin [`process.stdout`]: process.html#process_process_stdout [`rl.close()`]: #readline_rl_close [Readable]: stream.html#stream_readable_streams [TTY]: tty.html [Writable]: stream.html#stream_writable_streams [reading files]: #readline_example_read_file_stream_line_by_line