Upload Filee
'use strict' const { Walker: IgnoreWalker } = require('ignore-walk') const { lstatSync: lstat, readFileSync: readFile } = require('fs') const { basename, dirname, extname, join, relative, resolve, sep } = require('path') // symbols used to represent synthetic rule sets const defaultRules = Symbol('npm-packlist.rules.default') const strictRules = Symbol('npm-packlist.rules.strict') // There may be others, but :?|<> are handled by node-tar const nameIsBadForWindows = file => /\*/.test(file) // these are the default rules that are applied to everything except for non-link bundled deps const defaults = [ '.npmignore', '.gitignore', '**/.git', '**/.svn', '**/.hg', '**/CVS', '**/.git/**', '**/.svn/**', '**/.hg/**', '**/CVS/**', '/.lock-wscript', '/.wafpickle-*', '/build/config.gypi', 'npm-debug.log', '**/.npmrc', '.*.swp', '.DS_Store', '**/.DS_Store/**', '._*', '**/._*/**', '*.orig', '/archived-packages/**', ] const strictDefaults = [ // these are forcibly excluded '/.git', ] const normalizePath = (path) => path.split('\\').join('/') const readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles = (root, rel, result = []) => { for (const file of ['.npmignore', '.gitignore']) { try { const ignoreContent = readFile(join(root, file), { encoding: 'utf8' }) result.push(ignoreContent) // break the loop immediately after reading, this allows us to prioritize // the .npmignore and discard the .gitignore if one is present break } catch (err) { // we ignore ENOENT errors completely because we don't care if the file doesn't exist // but we throw everything else because failing to read a file that does exist is // something that the user likely wants to know about // istanbul ignore next -- we do not need to test a thrown error if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err } } } if (!rel) { return result } const firstRel = rel.split(sep, 1)[0] const newRoot = join(root, firstRel) const newRel = relative(newRoot, join(root, rel)) return readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles(newRoot, newRel, result) } class PackWalker extends IgnoreWalker { constructor (tree, opts) { const options = { ...opts, includeEmpty: false, follow: false, // we path.resolve() here because ignore-walk doesn't do it and we want full paths path: resolve(opts?.path || tree.path).replace(/\\/g, '/'), ignoreFiles: opts?.ignoreFiles || [ defaultRules, 'package.json', '.npmignore', '.gitignore', strictRules, ], } super(options) this.isPackage = options.isPackage this.seen = options.seen || new Set() this.tree = tree this.requiredFiles = options.requiredFiles || [] const additionalDefaults = [] if (options.prefix && options.workspaces) { const path = normalizePath(options.path) const prefix = normalizePath(options.prefix) const workspaces = options.workspaces.map((ws) => normalizePath(ws)) // istanbul ignore else - this does nothing unless we need it to if (path !== prefix && workspaces.includes(path)) { // if path and prefix are not the same directory, and workspaces has path in it // then we know path is a workspace directory. in order to not drop ignore rules // from directories between the workspaces root (prefix) and the workspace itself // (path) we need to find and read those now const relpath = relative(options.prefix, dirname(options.path)) additionalDefaults.push(...readOutOfTreeIgnoreFiles(options.prefix, relpath)) } else if (path === prefix) { // on the other hand, if the path and prefix are the same, then we ignore workspaces // so that we don't pack a workspace as part of the root project. append them as // normalized relative paths from the root additionalDefaults.push(...workspaces.map((w) => normalizePath(relative(options.path, w)))) } } // go ahead and inject the default rules now this.injectRules(defaultRules, [...defaults, ...additionalDefaults]) if (!this.isPackage) { // if this instance is not a package, then place some strict default rules, and append // known required files for this directory this.injectRules(strictRules, [ ...strictDefaults, ...this.requiredFiles.map((file) => `!${file}`), ]) } } // overridden method: we intercept the reading of the package.json file here so that we can // process it into both the package.json file rules as well as the strictRules synthetic rule set addIgnoreFile (file, callback) { // if we're adding anything other than package.json, then let ignore-walk handle it if (file !== 'package.json' || !this.isPackage) { return super.addIgnoreFile(file, callback) } return this.processPackage(callback) } // overridden method: if we're done, but we're a package, then we also need to evaluate bundles // before we actually emit our done event emit (ev, data) { if (ev !== 'done' || !this.isPackage) { return super.emit(ev, data) } // we intentionally delay the done event while keeping the function sync here // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return, promise/always-return this.gatherBundles().then(() => { super.emit('done', this.result) }) return true } // overridden method: before actually filtering, we make sure that we've removed the rules for // files that should no longer take effect due to our order of precedence filterEntries () { if (this.ignoreRules['package.json']) { // package.json means no .npmignore or .gitignore this.ignoreRules['.npmignore'] = null this.ignoreRules['.gitignore'] = null } else if (this.ignoreRules['.npmignore']) { // .npmignore means no .gitignore this.ignoreRules['.gitignore'] = null } return super.filterEntries() } // overridden method: we never want to include anything that isn't a file or directory onstat (opts, callback) { if (!opts.st.isFile() && !opts.st.isDirectory()) { return callback() } return super.onstat(opts, callback) } // overridden method: we want to refuse to pack files that are invalid, node-tar protects us from // a lot of them but not all stat (opts, callback) { if (nameIsBadForWindows(opts.entry)) { return callback() } return super.stat(opts, callback) } // overridden method: this is called to create options for a child walker when we step // in to a normal child directory (this will never be a bundle). the default method here // copies the root's `ignoreFiles` value, but we don't want to respect package.json for // subdirectories, so we override it with a list that intentionally omits package.json walkerOpt (entry, opts) { let ignoreFiles = null // however, if we have a tree, and we have workspaces, and the directory we're about // to step into is a workspace, then we _do_ want to respect its package.json if (this.tree.workspaces) { const workspaceDirs = [...this.tree.workspaces.values()] .map((dir) => dir.replace(/\\/g, '/')) const entryPath = join(this.path, entry).replace(/\\/g, '/') if (workspaceDirs.includes(entryPath)) { ignoreFiles = [ defaultRules, 'package.json', '.npmignore', '.gitignore', strictRules, ] } } else { ignoreFiles = [ defaultRules, '.npmignore', '.gitignore', strictRules, ] } return { ...super.walkerOpt(entry, opts), ignoreFiles, // we map over our own requiredFiles and pass ones that are within this entry requiredFiles: this.requiredFiles .map((file) => { if (relative(file, entry) === '..') { return relative(entry, file).replace(/\\/g, '/') } return false }) .filter(Boolean), } } // overridden method: we want child walkers to be instances of this class, not ignore-walk walker (entry, opts, callback) { new PackWalker(this.tree, this.walkerOpt(entry, opts)).on('done', callback).start() } // overridden method: we use a custom sort method to help compressibility sort (a, b) { // optimize for compressibility // extname, then basename, then locale alphabetically // https://twitter.com/isntitvacant/status/1131094910923231232 const exta = extname(a).toLowerCase() const extb = extname(b).toLowerCase() const basea = basename(a).toLowerCase() const baseb = basename(b).toLowerCase() return exta.localeCompare(extb, 'en') || basea.localeCompare(baseb, 'en') || a.localeCompare(b, 'en') } // convenience method: this joins the given rules with newlines, appends a trailing newline, // and calls the internal onReadIgnoreFile method injectRules (filename, rules, callback = () => {}) { this.onReadIgnoreFile(filename, `${rules.join('\n')}\n`, callback) } // custom method: this is called by addIgnoreFile when we find a package.json, it uses the // arborist tree to pull both default rules and strict rules for the package processPackage (callback) { const { bin, browser, files, main, } = this.tree.package // rules in these arrays are inverted since they are patterns we want to _not_ ignore const ignores = [] const strict = [ ...strictDefaults, '!/package.json', '!/readme{,.*[^~$]}', '!/copying{,.*[^~$]}', '!/license{,.*[^~$]}', '!/licence{,.*[^~$]}', '/.git', '/node_modules', '.npmrc', '/package-lock.json', '/yarn.lock', '/pnpm-lock.yaml', ] // if we have a files array in our package, we need to pull rules from it if (files) { for (let file of files) { // invert the rule because these are things we want to include if (file.startsWith('./')) { file = file.slice(1) } if (file.endsWith('/*')) { file += '*' } const inverse = `!${file}` try { // if an entry in the files array is a specific file, then we need to include it as a // strict requirement for this package. if it's a directory or a pattern, it's a default // pattern instead. this is ugly, but we have to stat to find out if it's a file const stat = lstat(join(this.path, file.replace(/^!+/, '')).replace(/\\/g, '/')) // if we have a file and we know that, it's strictly required if (stat.isFile()) { strict.unshift(inverse) this.requiredFiles.push(file.startsWith('/') ? file.slice(1) : file) } else if (stat.isDirectory()) { // otherwise, it's a default ignore, and since we got here we know it's not a pattern // so we include the directory contents ignores.push(inverse) ignores.push(`${inverse}/**`) } // if the thing exists, but is neither a file or a directory, we don't want it at all } catch (err) { // if lstat throws, then we assume we're looking at a pattern and treat it as a default ignores.push(inverse) } } // we prepend a '*' to exclude everything, followed by our inverted file rules // which now mean to include those this.injectRules('package.json', ['*', ...ignores]) } // browser is required if (browser) { strict.push(`!/${browser}`) } // main is required if (main) { strict.push(`!/${main}`) } // each bin is required if (bin) { for (const key in bin) { strict.push(`!/${bin[key]}`) } } // and now we add all of the strict rules to our synthetic file this.injectRules(strictRules, strict, callback) } // custom method: after we've finished gathering the files for the root package, we call this // before emitting the 'done' event in order to gather all of the files for bundled deps async gatherBundles () { if (this.seen.has(this.tree)) { return } // add this node to our seen tracker this.seen.add(this.tree) // if we're the project root, then we look at our bundleDependencies, otherwise we got here // because we're a bundled dependency of the root, which means we need to include all prod // and optional dependencies in the bundle let toBundle if (this.tree.isProjectRoot) { const { bundleDependencies } = this.tree.package toBundle = bundleDependencies || [] } else { const { dependencies, optionalDependencies } = this.tree.package toBundle = Object.keys(dependencies || {}).concat(Object.keys(optionalDependencies || {})) } for (const dep of toBundle) { const edge = this.tree.edgesOut.get(dep) // no edgeOut = missing node, so skip it. we can't pack it if it's not here // we also refuse to pack peer dependencies and dev dependencies if (!edge || edge.peer || edge.dev) { continue } // get a reference to the node we're bundling const node = this.tree.edgesOut.get(dep).to // if there's no node, this is most likely an optional dependency that hasn't been // installed. just skip it. if (!node) { continue } // we use node.path for the path because we want the location the node was linked to, // not where it actually lives on disk const path = node.path // but link nodes don't have edgesOut, so we need to pass in the target of the node // in order to make sure we correctly traverse its dependencies const tree = node.target // and start building options to be passed to the walker for this package const walkerOpts = { path, isPackage: true, ignoreFiles: [], seen: this.seen, // pass through seen so we can prevent infinite circular loops } // if our node is a link, we apply defaultRules. we don't do this for regular bundled // deps because their .npmignore and .gitignore files are excluded by default and may // override defaults if (node.isLink) { walkerOpts.ignoreFiles.push(defaultRules) } // _all_ nodes will follow package.json rules from their package root walkerOpts.ignoreFiles.push('package.json') // only link nodes will obey .npmignore or .gitignore if (node.isLink) { walkerOpts.ignoreFiles.push('.npmignore') walkerOpts.ignoreFiles.push('.gitignore') } // _all_ nodes follow strict rules walkerOpts.ignoreFiles.push(strictRules) // create a walker for this dependency and gather its results const walker = new PackWalker(tree, walkerOpts) const bundled = await new Promise((pResolve, pReject) => { walker.on('error', pReject) walker.on('done', pResolve) walker.start() }) // now we make sure we have our paths correct from the root, and accumulate everything into // our own result set to deduplicate const relativeFrom = relative(this.root, walker.path) for (const file of bundled) { this.result.add(join(relativeFrom, file).replace(/\\/g, '/')) } } } } const walk = (tree, options, callback) => { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options options = {} } const p = new Promise((pResolve, pReject) => { new PackWalker(tree, { ...options, isPackage: true }) .on('done', pResolve).on('error', pReject).start() }) return callback ? p.then(res => callback(null, res), callback) : p } module.exports = walk walk.Walker = PackWalker