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module MCollective module Util class Puppetrunner attr_reader :client, :concurrency, :configuration def initialize(client, configuration) @client = client @concurrency = configuration.fetch(:concurrency, 0) @configuration = configuration raise("Concurrency has to be > 0") unless @concurrency > 0 setup end def runall(rerun=false, rerun_min_time=3600) if rerun runall_forever(rerun_min_time) else runall_once end end def runall_forever(min_time, maxtimes=1.0/0.0) log("Performing ongoing Puppet run management with a minimum runtime of %d seconds between loops" % min_time) (1..maxtimes).each do start_time = Time.now begin runall_once rescue => e log("Running nodes failed: %s: %s: %s" % [e.backtrace.first, e.class, e.to_s]) end run_time = Time.now - start_time if run_time <= min_time sleep_time = min_time - run_time log("Running all hosts took %d seconds; sleeping for %d seconds due to minimum run time configuration of %d seconds" % [run_time, sleep_time, min_time]) sleep sleep_time else log("Running all hosts took %d seconds; starting a new loop immediately due to minimum run time configuration of %d secnods" % [run_time, min_time]) end end end def runall_once log("Running all nodes with a concurrency of %s" % @concurrency) log("Discovering enabled Puppet nodes to manage") hosts = find_enabled_nodes log("Found %d enabled %s" % [hosts.size, hosts.size == 1 ? "node" : "nodes"]) Log.debug("Enabled nodes are #{hosts.inspect}") runhosts(hosts) end def runhosts(hosts) # copy the host list so we can manipulate it host_list = hosts.clone # determine the initial state of the network based on the supplied host list running = find_applying_nodes(host_list) while !host_list.empty? # clone list so we can safely remove items host_list working_list = host_list.clone working_list.each do |host| if running.size >= @concurrency # we do not have room for another running host break end # check if host is already in a running state Log.debug("Checking #{host}") Log.debug(" -- running: %d, concurrency: %d" % [running.size, @concurrency]) if running.find{ |running_host| running_host[:name] == host } # already in a running state, leave it for now Log.debug("#{host} is already being tracked, skipping it") else # host is not running - kick it, put it in the running bucket Log.debug("Triggering #{host}") initiated_at = runhost(host) running << make_status(host, initiated_at) host_list.delete(host) next end end Log.debug("Sleeping") # wait a second to give some time for something to happen sleep 1 # update our view of the network running = find_applying_nodes(hosts, running) end log("Iteration complete. Initiated a Puppet run on #{hosts.size} nodes.") end def runhost(host) client.discover :nodes => host result = client.runonce(runonce_arguments.merge({:force => true})) client.reset if result.empty? log("%s did not return a result" % [host]) return 0 end begin if result[0][:statuscode] == 0 log("%s schedule status: %s" % [host, result[0][:data][:summary]]) else log("%s schedule status: %s" % [host, result[0][:statusmsg]]) end rescue log("%s returned an unknown result: %s" % [host, result.inspect]) end result[0][:data][:initiated_at].to_i || 0 end def setup @client.progress = false end def logger(&blk) @logger = blk end def log(msg) raise("Cannot log, no logger has been defined") unless @logger @logger.call(msg) end def find_enabled_nodes Log.debug("finding enabled nodes") @client.status.map do |result| result[:sender] if result[:data][:enabled] end.compact.sort end # Get a list of nodes that are possibly applying def find_applying_nodes(hosts, statuses = []) Log.debug("checking applying status of #{hosts.inspect}") @client.filter["identity"].clear hosts.each do |host| @client.identity_filter(host) end results = @client.status hosts.each do |host| result = results.select { |r| r[:sender] == host }.first status = statuses.select { |s| s[:name] == host }.first unless status status = make_status(host) statuses << status end if result # check the value of applying as defined in the agent ddl if result[:data][:applying] == true # we're applying if result[:data][:initiated_at] # it's a new agent, we can record when it started Log.debug("#{host} run was started at #{result[:data][:initiated_at]}") status[:initiated_at] = result[:data][:initiated_at] else Log.debug("#{host} run started") end else # Here we check the "asked to run but not yet started" state. if result[:data][:lastrun].to_i >= status[:initiated_at] Log.debug("#{host} run completed") # The node has finished applying, remove from the running set statuses.reject! { |s| s[:name] == host } next else # We haven't started yet that we can see, increment the check counter status[:checks] += 1 Log.debug("#{host} starting, checks #{status[:checks]}") end end else # We didn't get a result from this host, log and record a check happened log("Host #{host} did not respond to the status action.") status[:no_response] += 1 end if status[:no_response] >= 5 # If we missed many responses to status, assume it's a dead node log("Host #{host} failed to respond multiple times. Skipping.") statuses.reject! { |s| s[:name] == host } end if status[:checks] >= 5 # If we hit more than 5 checks, assume it couldn't start log("Host #{host} did not move into an applying state. Skipping.") statuses.reject! { |s| s[:name] == host } end end return statuses end def runonce_arguments arguments = {} [:force, :server, :noop, :environment, :splay, :splaylimit, :ignoreschedules].each do |arg| arguments[arg] = @configuration[arg] if @configuration.include?(arg) end arguments[:tags] = Array(@configuration[:tag]).join(",") if @configuration.include?(:tag) arguments[:skip_tags] = Array(@configuration[:skip_tag]).join(",") if @configuration.include?(:skip_tag) arguments end private # create the status objects managed by find_applying_nodes and runhosts def make_status(host, initiated_at = 0) status = { :name => host, :initiated_at => initiated_at, :checks => 0, :no_response => 0, } return status end end end end